Finland: Positive Credit Information Register is part of the full enslavement of the working people – Your Finances will be State controlled in 2024

Positive Credit Information Register has been made into law in Finland 8th of July 2022. This has gone unnoticed for people; the media hasn’t informed us and is still not informing about what it really means for the working people.
The history of the book burnings is here again: Internet Censorship – Infuriating & funny results using search engines

I bet some people know more about the US elections than the upcoming Finnish Parliament elections! We’ve had constant newsfeed about the situation for decades.
Sewers are part of the surveillance system – the story that started from: “Where do you get your protein?”

Starting from “Where do you get your protein?” to Wastewater and excess protein leading to Nitrogen in the Sea. Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY says eating too much protein is adding to nitrogen ending up in the Baltic Sea
Pollution: The City of Helsinki keeps dumping dirty snow into the sea, including microplastics – despite the Green Agenda

The city of Helsinki and the capitol area cities next to it, are on the shore of the Baltic Sea, more precisely on the Gulf of Finland. The sea is used by leisure time fishing, yachting, sailing and there’s regular ship connections to Europe (yes, that’s the common saying although we’re politically in Europe).
Health: Get out from using harmful chemicals on your skin – Do-It-Yourself Chemical-free deodorant from Food store ingredients

Our underarms create a nice, warm home for bacteria. Remember all bacteria is not bad. These bacteria are eating the moisture. The waste generated from this process creates the odor you associate with sweat.
How the 2020 “Pandemic” changed our work: controlling technical workers in the open plan office and when working from home, employers using strange surveillance systems

Soon workers realized how the thing must be handled. If your workmate is coming to talk to you in person, the mouse must be moved from time to time. Nobody wants to go red. This has become a habit. Don’t leave your desk and keep the mouse moving.
What’s happening on our skies? Is it part of the next catastrophe, the Climate emergency? Cloud covers every day since October, Clear skies on Christmas and the New Year’s Day in Helsinki

Some people go into theories saying, “they are spraying antibiotics to protect us”, “It’s a part of the White Hats plan to save us”. Really, a global plan to save people by all the governments?
Slow simmer: The fortress of The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats in Helsinki – Why don’t we just use the old word spying, lying, bad-talking, dirty and corrupt politics

The foundations for the Hybrid Center were laid by EU defense ministers in September 2016. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was also present at the meeting.
People paying for the Power & Profit-thirsty Elites: Finnish electricity security; Big mess with Fortum, first Caruna, then Finnish state, Uniper, The German state since 2013

2013: The ruining of Finnish electricity security started as state-owned electricity grid came under the control of international investors
Europe, Nordic countries, Finland – The situation of Digital Identity, eID, eIDAS identification for EU citizens

The Big Media is using words like “security” and “safety”. The Covid narrative and pushing fear into people’s mind is an accelerative agenda which have been used by advertisers for a long time.