Magnesium: Chicken Soup for your Immune System

Magnesium has a strong relation with the immune system. We all know that vitamin D3 plays an essential role in our immune systems. But any conversation about Vitamin D is incomplete without a discussion of the mineral magnesium.
Voting for The Lesser of Two Evils

The two-party political system has been offering voters two choices: bad and worse. Lately these choices have proved to us that we have selections, not elections.
Slavery: a thing of the past? Not so fast

Women and children remain disproportionately vulnerable. Roughly a quarter of enslaved individuals are children. Migrant workers are also particularly vulnerable to forced labor.
How the size of a horse’s ass determined the size of the space shuttle rockets

Space Shuttle Rocket Boosters are 4 feet 8.5 inches wide. Why such an odd dimension? Because the boosters, built in Utah had to be shipped to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida via rail through a tunnel, slightly wider than a railroad track. US Standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8 ½ inches.
Prostate Cancer: Common, Detectable and Treatable

For the guys: important advice on prostate cancer detection and treatment. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind only lung cancer. About 1 man in 8 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime.
Halloween Jack o’ lanterns: a modernized tradition

Neighborhoods around the country prepare for trick-or-treaters coming this Halloween. Pumpkins carved into Jack o’ lanterns, along-standing tradition, is modernized with plastic pumpkins, re-used from year to year.
Electric vehicles: Part III – The Costs: Money, Environmental, Human – A Big Picture Systems Analysis

The average price of an electric vehicle in the United States for August 2022 was $66,000. And EV subsides are funded by the average taxpayer so that the rich can buy their EVs at subsidized prices.
Electric vehicles: Part II – Hazards and Disposal Issues – A Big Picture Systems Analysis

Hurricane Ian recently highlighted two Hazards. In an emergency situation such as evacuation, limited range and charging locations, combined with long battery charging times created problems, stranding many in traffic jams, hindering their ability to evacuate safely.
Electric vehicles: Part I – A Systems Analysis

California just mandated all new vehicle sales to be electric starting in 2035
Autumn is winemaking time for amateur vintners in Dedham, Massachusetts

Old-school home winemaking from grapes is a fading artform according to local grape suppliers. Less grapes are being sold, in favor of more “juice boxes” for winemaking as the old-timers retire their equipment, and the youngsters opt for the easier pre-packaged juice.