Every conspiracy theory is like a flower

Conspiracy theory and culture have gone mainstream however there are pros and cons to this in that there is increased awareness of plots and ploys focused on centralization and enslavement of humanity however the not-so obvious establishment (NSOE) has monetized it time and time again and politicians have capitalized on it to enrich themselves while leaving the complex systems untouched refusing to bite the hand that feeds them.
The Most Important Bones in the Human Body

The two most important bones in the human body that most people unfortunately are unaware of: the atlas and axis.
State Supreme Court Judge Ruling: Reinstate and Back Pay NYC Sanitation Workers After Unconstitutional Vax Mandate Struck Down

On Tuesday, October 25th State Supreme Court Justice Ralph Porzio sitting in Staten Island sided with and ruled in a decision on a lawsuit brought forth by New York City sanitation workers fired for not taking the COVID-19 vax.