The path to Victory; someone must be the first – How to get a wide pathway when no one ploughed it for us?

How to get a wide walkway when no one ploughed it for us? First, someone has taken his own path, like dr. Shiva. In fact, many people have decided to take their own path, but they can’t find others.
Finland celebrating Independence Day – Supervising processions, demonstrations and counterdemonstrations on Independence Day has traditionally been the biggest operation of the year for the Helsinki Police Department, Yle News says

If you’ve ever experienced the May Day Eve celebrations in Helsinki, this surely makes you wonder. The weather is warmer, people are drunk, and students are free in May Day Eve. Should be the busiest day for the police.
Infrastructure: Dental care and Care Guarantee in Finland – dental check-up queue up to 12 months now

The dental care in Finland has been arranged in city and county Health Care Centers. Finnish people are paying high taxes for this kind of health care. We are told we have a welfare state.
Sisu will get you even through grey granite

The goal can be achieved by a quick burst of energy among other things like moving furniture in through a small door to a house, a job that seems impossible or finally telling someone the hard truth.
Keep your friends close and your farmers closer – Uudenmaan Ruoka food hub starting as cooperative in the Uusimaa County area

The food hub Uudenmaan ruoka has been working for some years, now it will be a cooperative. You can join now, it costs 50 euros if you’re a client, 500 euros if you’re a food producer. You don’t have to be a member of the cooperative to order food though.
First snow falls in Helsinki, Big Media getting hysteric to create panic and fear around normal winter weather conditions

The Big Media’s input of fear, emergency and chaos means they are trying to get Finnish people desperate, helpless, and passive. They are using words like “threatening” and “massive”.
“HÄN” – Neutral personal pronoun which has always been in Finnish language. How we are manipulated to change our language.

“Hän” has “always” been used in Finland, it has nothing to do with gender equality or -neutrality so fashionable today
New traffic signs and gender equality program

There are plenty of walk- and bicycle ways in Finland. The rules are strict: Don’t walk on the wrong side or on the bicycle side of the way. The cyclists get angry, and you can hurt yourself.
The stagnant Culture of Silence – years of unprocessed hate, wars, shame, generational trauma of “The things that happened 1918” – Civil War in Finland

In the early 1900s, crofters and “parasites” began to support the political left because it promised to give them land of their own, thus they could start having influence in society
Hidden symbolism revealed: Tsar Alexander II statue in Helsinki Senate square

Finland was joined to Russia in 1809, it became an autonomous Grand Duchy. The Grand Duke was the Russian Emperor, whose representative in Finland was the Governor General.