Putin’s Address to the Valdai Club:  A vision for a more multipolar, locally sovereign world

  • The ‘military operation’ in the Donbass region of Ukraine had a necessary humanitarian aspect but was also required to pre-empt militarized Ukrainian regime control of one of Europe’s most essential energy rich regions.
  • The ‘West’ is a theoretical construct only and is orchestrated by various military industrial and financial interests.
  • Frequent requests for dialog and non-military actions and solutions were ignored.
  • Globalist rule makers seek to deny national sovereignty and human rights, but those rules do not apply to themselves.
  • Vision for a new economy and Global restructuring based on ‘multipolar centers’ ( not dominated by centralized interests of two or three superpower nations or companies)
  • A change is underway in the area of financial systems and international transactions in local/national currencies based on real value, and away from the petro-dollar.

Vladimir Putin addressed the Valdai press club in Moscow on Oct. 28, 2022.

On October 27, 2022, Vladimir Putin addressed the assembled crowd at the Valdai club in Moscow. The theme of this year’s forum was A PostHegemonic WorldJustice and Security for Everyone. The four day-long meeting brought together 111 experts, politicians, diplomats and economists from Russia and 40 foreign countries, including Afghanistan, Brazil, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Turkey, the United States, and Uzbekistan, and others.

In addition to his prepared address, Putin took questions ‘off the floor’ on a variety of issues, not backing away from any of them, including the Ukrainian situation.

 He typically would answer questions based on a clarification of the actual issues and principles involved. Putin seemed to have ready access to real data (without advisors feeding him the data) on just about every issue. 

His replies were balanced and non-inflammatory, in fact, he cracked quite a few jokes. But it boils down to what is the goal, what are the real issues, and who benefits.  His goal, it would seem, is pro-humanity.

He sees regional and national sovereignty and self-actualization as key to a better life in a new, more harmonious world.  You’ve been pushed and polarized to believe that Putin is some kind of imperialist tyrant.  This notion is absolutely false. Yes, he will protect the national interests of Russia and the Russian people, but he wishes the same degree of national interest and a better more meaningful life in other countries.

The Valdai press club 2km from downtown Central Moscow. Putin Addressed the assembled delegates on multiple issues at the Valdai Press club in Moscow on October 28, 2022. The Valdai club is about 2km from the Kremlin on Tsvetnoy  boulevard.

 One of the key messages, a vision if you will, that Putin imparted to the gathering and by extension to all of us, is the idea of increased national/local sovereignty and the idea of decentralization. 

A phrase he liked to use often is ‘multipolarity’. This means a world in which sovereign nations could make their own policies, produce their own local goods and industry, and freely trade with other regional centres based on a fair exchange of their own national currencies. 

Putin notes that we live in a world increasingly based on ‘rules’ (reductionist principles). Some examples might be rules on travel and freedom of movement, rules on use of fuel use and generation, rules even on the definition of gender, rules on the freedom of speech and association.  Who is it that are making these ‘rules’ for international law?

“It looks like we are witnessing an attempt to enforce just one rule whereby those in power – we were talking about power, and I am now talking about global power – could live without following any rules at all and could get away with anything”.  I am reminded about the hypocrisy of those hundreds of lear jets that arrived for the last climate conference which focused on so-called green energy and carbon footprints. These ‘elite’ rule makers were then driven to the venue in their Hummers, or Teslas which were charged via diesel generators. Rules for thee, not for me.

Climate hypocrisy. 100s of Elites arrived via lear jet at the Davos climate conference to discuss reducing carbon footprints.  Putin spoke to many western false narratives in his Valdai address, including climate hypocrisy.

Putin reminds the gathering that the hidden global rule makers are the collective West, which is a system.  This system is beyond Government leaders, and in fact he doesn’t refer to Western Government officials as being the controllers at all.

Putin notes that the ‘West’ have taken steps to undermine security in recent months and years, and have escalated the situation.

“The so-called West which is, of course, a theoretical construct since it is not united and clearly is a highly complex conglomerate. As a matter of fact, they always seek to aggravate matters, which is nothing new, either.  This includes the stoking of war in Ukraine, the provocations around Taiwan, and the destabilisation of the global food and energy markets.”  

The systemic goal of the manipulations being initiated and coordinated internationally by the ‘West’ is Global power and the removal of rights, frankly basic human rights. “Global power is exactly what the so-called West has at stake in its game.  It denies the sovereignty of countries and peoples, their identity and uniqueness, and tramples upon other states’ interests.”

Putin suggest that “Global power denies the sovereignty of countries and peoples, their identity and uniqueness ”  through the arbitrary centralized creation of rules and restrictions. (This picture is actually a mural on a building in Saskatoon Canada.)

“No one, except those who create these rules I have mentioned is entitled to retain their identity: everyone else must comply with these rules.”

In the address Putin mentions several times that Russia has made repeated attempts at dialog with Western leaders, which are either ignored or tossed out. Reading between the lines, this occurs because the Western leaders are not making any decisions.

 It is their handlers, the corporate elite cabal, which makes decisions on behalf of the west. Since peaceful resolution which preserves regional sovereignty and protects human rights is NOT their agenda, Russian peace and cooperative initiatives are ignored. 

Putin points out, “Has the Western media informed us about Russian peace initiatives? They have not.”

They desire a polarized perception of Putin and Russia; Russia bad, West good.   “Preserve democracy’ they say.

Putin actually articulates a concept of ‘two Wests’. One which follows more or less traditional values such as freedom, patriotism, and great culture (actually a point of commonality between Russia and Western Cultures,) and a second West, the one in power and causing all these problems.

“But there is also a different West – aggressive, cosmopolitan, and neocolonial. It is acting as a tool of neoliberal elites. Naturally, Russia will never reconcile itself to the dictates of this West.”

Putin addresses the ‘cancel culture’ initiatives, and we see this all over the world now, this profound ignorance and stupidity. Symphony Orchestras in Canada refusing to perform works by Prokofiev, Stravinsky. 

Banning of Russian teams from events.  Russia was not invited to the World Junior Hockey tournament this year. 

On the cultural front, it’s quite interesting that Putin points out even during the ‘Cold War” there was a certain line that was not crossed.

“Even at the very peak of the Cold War, the peak of the confrontation of the two systems, ideologies and military rivalry, it did not occur to anyone to deny the very existence of the culture, art, and science of other peoples, their opponents”

“But nonetheless, both the Soviet and American leaders understood that it was necessary to treat the humanitarian area tactfully, studying and respecting your rival, and sometimes even borrowing from them in order to retain a foundation for sound, productive relations at least for the future”

Putin gives a collective ‘give your head a shake’ to the assembled at the Valdai club.

“And what is happening now? At one time, the Nazis reached the point of burning books, and now the Western “guardians of liberalism and progress” have reached the point of banning Dostoyevsky and Tchaikovsky.”

Virtue signalling Canadian symphony orchestras and decided not to perform the masterworks by Russian Composers.

Important humanist words by Putin.   “The so-called “cancel culture” and in reality – as we said many times – the real cancellation of culture is eradicating everything that is alive and creative and stifles free thought in all areas, be it economics, politics or culture.”

Liberal ideology is just a code word for the removal of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of movement, the free exchange of ideas, even the freedom to use the scientific method.

Putin continues, “Today, liberal ideology itself has changed beyond recognition. If initially, classic liberalism was understood to mean the freedom of every person to do and say as they pleased, in the 20th century the liberals started saying that the so-called open society had enemies and that the freedom of these enemies could and should be restricted if not cancelled.”

“It has reached the absurd point where any alternative opinion is declared subversive propaganda and a threat to democracy.”

This is another reason why Putin is beginning to gain such a following and resonance among awakening people. He is talking about basic human rights, dignity, and sovereignty.

Did you realize he has this depth? Right here, he is articulating his systemic goal and vision for humanity. It resonates and actually reminds me of aspects of the Truth Freedom and Health model proposed by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.

Again, in his opening address Putin states;

“Humankind is at a fork in the road: either keep accumulating problems and eventually get crushed under their weight, or work together to find solutions – even imperfect ones, as long as they work – that can make our world a more stable and safer place.”

These solutions will not be found through fake leaders and actors, what might be called the ‘non-obvious establishment’, who are actually part of the existing control system and prevent systemic changes. Only a cooperative, coordinated bottoms-up workers movement can make changes from this corrupt, manipulative system happen.

Putin points to cooperative solutions among sovereign nations as a means to escape the manipulations and arbitrary rules of the globalist  ‘cumulative west’ elite. 

Putin offers clarity on the situation in the Ukraine, words and concepts which are censored in Western Media, but are in fact the true facts of the situation.  First, he points out that it was Western interests, not Russia which initiated the Coup and installed this present regime in Ukraine.

“Did we carry out the coup, which led to a series of tragic events, including our special military operation? No, we did not.”

Evening sunset in the Donbass region of Ukraine.

When asked by Fyodor Lukyanov about why he initiated the special military operations (invasion) of Ukraine in February of 2022, which he answers at length.

Firstly, NATO had expanded their operations in Ukraine (to preserve their Oil and energy interests) since 2014.  Russia protested this, but this was ignored.

Secondly, the Kiev regime refused to implement provisions of the “Minsk agreements’, which was a treaty signed by the former president of Ukraine, to stop fighting between separatist (pro Russian-join Russia) groups and Ukrainian armed forces. The people of the Donbass have been subjected to shelling by their own Government forces since 2015.

“It meant that we had to do something in Donbass. People have been living under shellfire for eight years, and the attacks continue to this day, by the way, but we had to take a decision for ourselves.”

“What could it be? We could recognise their independence. But recognising their independence and leaving them in the lurch was unacceptable. So, we had to take the next step, which we did – to include them in the Russian state. They would not have survived alone, there is no doubt about that.”

There is some merit to what is really a humanitarian and sovereignty argument for the invasion of the Donbass, but there has to be more than this.

What does the Donbass produce?  They are a major producer and exporter of food products, but really their main industry is energy production, specifically electricity, via coal. And, its sits on one of the largest natural gas reserves in the World. 

The invasion/adoption of this region was a means of preserving Russia’s energy security, and keeping this leveraging energy power out of the hands of the NATO cabal interests.

Putin noted that the present NATO-backed Ukrainian regime was building up military assets, or trying to, in the Donbass region for many years.

Rather than wait for a full and even more entrenched regime backed military to fully control the region and squeeze all of Europe for energy, it was logical to engage in a tactical pre-emptive attack to secure this region NOW, rather than later. It was clear that it would be necessary. The other aspect of this ‘energy control’ idea, is financial.  The US dollar is the world reserve currency (fading fast), the ‘petro-dollar’.

The petro-dollar. The Ukrainian military operation and subsequent pumping of money by the Biden Regime is aimed at preserving the petro-dollar as the world reserve currency. Globalist power is tied to the petro-dollar.

NATO interests wished to control the Donbass to preserve the value of the US petro-dollar, via the Federal Reserve Bank.  So really we can view the entire conflict in Ukraine through the lens of central banking and the value of the prevailing global common currency, which the Western Cabal controls.   

Putin speaks or at least hints at a change in the global reserve currency, which is one of most positive aspects of the address.

“The world economy and trade also need to become fairer and more open. Russia considers the creation of new international financial platforms inevitable; this includes international transactions. These platforms should be above national jurisdictions. They should be secure, depoliticized and automated and should not depend on any single control centre”

“It would make it possible to conduct effective, beneficial and secure international transactions without the dollar or any of the so-called reserve currencies.  This is all the more important, now that the dollar is being used as a weapon..”

Putin continues, “The transition to transactions in national currencies will quickly gain momentum. This is inevitable. Of course, it depends on the status of the issuers of these currencies and the state of their economies, but they will be growing stronger, and these transactions are bound to gradually prevail over the others. Such is the logic of a sovereign economic and financial policy in a multipolar world.”

This ‘multipolar world’ is a key concept in the address. He sees the world as moving towards decentralization, towards national sovereignty not only with regards to currency (which would be based on ‘real value’ of locally produced projects and Gold reserves) but also in areas of culture.

“So, as for our own financial system, I believe the main way to proceed is to create a supranational global monetary system that would be depoliticised and based on national currency systems. This system would certainly ensure payments and transactions. It’s possible.”

The Ruble. More and more countries are exchanging international trade in their own national currencies, a concept Putin promotes.

“In the end, one way or another, we have taken the first steps towards payments in national currencies, and then – steps at the regional level. I believe this process will continue.”

He gives this example of a dysfunctional, non-sustainable business model currently forced on the world by the “West”.

“How are things going today? If the West is selling medicines or crop seeds to other countries, it tells them to kill their national pharmaceutical industries and selection. In fact, it all comes down to this: its machine tool and equipment supplies destroy the local engineering industry.”

Canola field.  Western business practices of seed monopolies kill local selection and local industry.

“Once you open your market to a certain product group, the local manufacturer instantly goes belly up and it is almost impossible for him to raise his head. That’s how they build relationships. That’s how they take over markets and resources, and countries lose their technological and scientific potential. This is not progress; it is enslavement and reducing economies to primitive levels.”

Regarding the effects of the various embargoes and cultural bannings on all things Russian, Putin has this to say:

“Our economy has indeed become much more adaptive and flexible. It became clear that our businesses were already mature enough to replace imports and to take on the activities of the companies that left, our partners that decided to leave Russia.”

 “Our businesses easily took over and led the companies that had seemed only recently to be unable to exist without a Western presence. This was an easy change in most areas”

In addition to the Russian system’s resiliency with respect to both physical and cultural embargoes, Putin notes that many people and nations in the World are actually ‘with’ Russia and respect their sovereign interests, which they appear to pursue openly and honestly.

“Our Western “partners” spare no effort to slander Russia, to humiliate it, or to ignore its interests. When we fight for our interests and do so openly, honestly and, let’s face it, courageously, this fact in itself, this example in itself, is highly contagious and attractive for billions of people on the planet.”

Putin has become an example and icon of hope for many across the planet.

The Western media continues to try and isolate and misportray Russia, but it is not going to succeed. People are waking up to this media tyranny and control.

Putin continues, “We have many friends. We do not need to impose anything on anyone. It is just that many people – politicians and ordinary citizens – are tired of living under external dictate.”

“Enough is enough, people are tired of it. And when they see an example of our struggle against this dictate, they take our side internally and externally. And this support will continue to grow.”

He did offer a couple of interesting tidbits regarding the Nordstream pipeline explosion, quite revealing.

“Five European companies are part of Nord Stream 1. So what? Everyone is keeping quiet, as if it is business as usual. They even have the nerve to suggest that Russia blew it up. Russia blew itself up. Have they lost their senses or what? No, they keep doing this.”

“Gazprom published photos from 2016 showing, I think, a US-made explosive device under the gas pipeline system. They claimed they lost it during exercises.”

Gazprom head office in St. Petersburg, Russia. Gaxprom (huge Russian gas company) has photos of explosives placed beneath the Nordstream pipeline from 2016.

“They lost an explosive device so conveniently that it slipped right under the pipeline. I think the purpose of the device was to destroy underwater mines. Look, here is the photo.” 

(It seems he actually produces the photo for the crowd) He wonders why the western media and governments are cherry picking their narrative.

“The international media are keeping silent about this; no one is broadcasting it; it all withers on the vine and is nowhere to be seen: neither online, nor on television”

 “This is another case of monopolising the media to promote what they need and to kill everything that stands in their way. It is right there, but no one is saying a word about it.”

I will leave you to draw your own reasonable conclusions about what happened to the pipeline.

Further Reading:



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