The Soul as an Intelligent System

“Tranquil Bay” – Pender Island, BC, Canada


(Inner tuition)

The power or faculty attaining direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference-immediate apprehension or cognition -quick and ready insight.


Intuition, often called a “Gut Feeling”. To feel when something is “right or wrong”. Or that there is a deeper aspect to what is being presented. And as such requires further consideration, in order to get to Truth.

Intuition requires trust and practice, for intuition is your Soul giving you direct knowledge by way of thoughts and finer feelings. The world in general distracts us from listening to our finer thoughts. That is why it is important to spend quiet time alone. Time to set the noisy world of distractions aside. Time for self reflection. Time to observe one’s own thoughts impartially, as they are presented/received. Time to take controlof you, your own soul’s evolvement.

We are all parts of the same thing (System)– The Universe, Soul. We are all parts of something far greater than just ourselves. As such that which controls you, also individually controls all others. As the Controller, the Soul has an overview of all, each having their own unique purpose (Goal) and link to the Soul. Soul gives you what is termed as “Intuitive” thought directly. Gives the right words at the right time, the right action at the right time. So that you can be a conduit for the Soul/Universe in the service of others. In other words to be in Harmony with the Universe.

Many think of Karma as being a form of punishment or reward for one’s thoughts and actions. In reality it is a system of learning when we choose to participate.

You control your own evolvement by how you use your own thoughts. Each individual’s thoughts are perfectly tailored to suit their unique purpose (Goal) for being on Earth. But you also have an alternative way. You have Free Choice to follow your the “right” thoughts or “wrong” thoughts. But all thoughts carry with them “Karma”. The “right or wrong” choice, and the truth/outcome of that choice- “Karma-Phal”- The result of your Free Choice.

Human Beings are not meant to be robots, but individuals, each is in control of their own destiny.

You controlyou, by the thoughts you accept or reject (Free Choice).

That is why the interconnections all share are so important. When we learn and serve by sharing with others, we also a gain a greater understanding of that which we all belong to.

All have the gift of intuition from birth. But indoctrination subjugates Intuition, causes second guessing, a lack of trust in oneself, ones soul.

Once you recognise certain thought patterns, patterns of behaviour, you can predict how another will react. Like pressing buttons on a robot.

The elites, use this knowledge of psychological manipulation to create predictable responses in their chosen target group. Yet those who wish to control you, by triggering base emotions, are rendered powerless when you are in tune with your own Higher Intelligence, your Soul.

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

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Soul as an Intelligent System

Your body is a temporary system containing many other supporting systems. Your immortal soul, you, the conscious you, that which tells you, you are you, is also a part of a greater system, a greater consciousness.

The Soul as an Intelligent System

When I was child, before I could articulate feelings into words and could only gurgle, laugh or cry, I had an experience that others have also spoken of as having.

The Soul as an Intelligent System

“The power or faculty attaining direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference-immediate apprehension or cognition -quick and ready insight.”

The Soul as an Intelligent System

“What a beautiful gift it would have been for all of us, if we hadn’t had our thinking done for us, mostly before we were born- If we therefore didn’t know what we are supposed to think, or to believe- If our minds had not been conditioned or caged but allowed to fly free as a bird.”

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

The essence of life, “gift of life”, impetus, is initiated by and from the Source through the Soul. This essence is within all and contains all.

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

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