November 8, 2022 – Nationwide Mid-term election year

  • Tuesday, November 8, 2022, was the nationwide mid-term election day of challenges: 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate. 
  • A birds-eye view of this important election is exemplified within Walton County Florida which has a small district but highly populated, Precinct 310.  
  • The community residents came in force, 1,412 voters exhibiting support to ensure their voices were heard. At this Poll, numerous comments were made, “Taking a stand to have their voice heard”. 
  • The County voting supervisors described the process as the most secure while poll watchers documented the transactions and activities. 
  • All processes appeared to display integrity, but no visible inquiry about questioning the integrity of the wireless connections within the Election Systems & Software (ESS) voting tabulating machines because they were described as singularly connected to a server within a “secured” location. However, clear visibility to citizens of the process is not offered.
  • A courageous American citizen, V.A. Shiva, MIT Ph.D. who previously ran for Senator in Massachusetts (2018, 2020) has vocalized the irregularities performed during his election campaigns. His presentations of scientific, systems and mathematical approaches identifies the key issue: “Election Fraud.”
  • If every American citizen heard these following 4-key podcasts from Dr. Shiva, the thorough research defining irregularities of the voting processes, “We the People” will have an awakening experience and this election and subsequent elections could have different outcomes! Look into these compelling presentations to gain insight, discuss with your friends, and begin to actively question your local election officials. Become informed and act on behalf of “We the People!”

Tuesday, November 8, 2022, was the nationwide mid-term election day of challenges: 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate.

A bird-eye view of this important election is demonstrated within Walton County Florida which has a small district but highly populated, Precinct 310.

The community residents came in force, 1,412 voters exhibiting support to ensure their voices were heard. At this Poll, comments were made, “Taking a stand to have their voice heard.”

The County voting supervisors described the process as the most secure while poll watchers documented the transactions and activities.

All processes utilized appeared to display integrity, but no visible inquiry about questioning the integrity of the wireless connections within the Election Systems & Software (ESS) voting tabulating machines because they were defined as singularly connected to a server within a “secured” location.

However, clear visibility to citizens of the process is not offered.

A courageous American citizen, V.A. Shiva, MIT Ph.D. who previously ran for Senator in Massachusetts (2018, 2020) has vocalized the irregularities performed during his election campaigns.

His presentations of scientific, systems and mathematical approaches identifies the key issue: “Election Fraud.”

If every American citizen heard these following 4-key podcasts from Dr. Shiva, the thorough research defining irregularities of the voting processes, “We the People” will have an awakening experience and this election and subsequent elections could have different outcomes!

Look into these compelling presentations to gain insight, discuss with your friends, and begin to actively question your local election officials. Become informed and act on behalf of “We the People!”

Dr. Shiva, MIT Ph.D.: #ElectionFraud is the REAL Pandemic with Tim Canova (Aired October 10, 2020) an American politician and law professor (Expertise: Banking and Finance).

A former candidate in Florida’s 23rd congressional district, unsuccessfully challenged Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the 2016 Democratic primary and 2018 General election, ran as an American Independent Party candidate. The discussion focus: the Real Pandemic is #ElectionFraud.

Dr. Shiva:  MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems. (Aired Nov. 10, 2020).

The mathematical weighting on candidates is tabulated by algorithms for election outcomes. The practice of “One” vote per person = total votes does not exist in our current elections.

Dr. Shiva: What YOU Must Do to Get #CleanElections. Get Educated or Be Enslaved. (Aired February 12, 2021) The Foundations of Systems provides an understanding of electronic VOTING SYSTEMS, the setup to be manipulated by both Republicans and Democrats – by Left and Right – to ensure we have SELECTIONS not ELECTIONS.

Dr. Shiva presents conclusive evidence as he continues to Expose that We have Selections Not Elections, and the Real Crime Scene is Electronic Tabulators (Aired March 19, 2021).

  1. By Sept. 9, 2021, Dr. Shiva discovered that since 2002 the voting machines have a programed feature called the “Weighted Race”. Described in the equipment manual (Originated by Diebold) for the machine to allow “Votes” to be multiplied by a fraction.
  2. Dr. Shiva’s second filed lawsuit shows complete mathematical proof that his votes were multiplied by .666 and his opponents were multiplied by 1.2,
    1. No one has rebutted this; the lawsuit still stands in Federal Court.

4 points in order:





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