- What frames the way we communicate?
- Are you a logical or emotional conversationalist?
- Observing your own conversation style
Are you a technical/logical communicator or an emotional communicator? And what does that even mean? And how and why does this come about?
Have you ever asked yourself “How is it that I communicate this way?”
Or observed others communicating and wondered, how has that evolved? I have been faced with this question recently, which has me wondering. I don’t know that I will ever figure out the answer, however, it is interesting to contemplate.
Is it in observing that we learn how to converse and communicate with others? Is it learned in education? Or is it innate and it comes from within? And how can our style be used to our advantage?
I found myself asking these very questions. And conversing with others on the topic. And perhaps most importantly, having the awareness to look at myself and others, when it comes to conversing.
So much of what we do is in our communication with others. After all, there are not too many of us that are living in a hermitage. Conversing with others is an essential part of life. At work, out shopping or running errands, with your family and loved ones, or even at home and conversing with someone on the other end of the line during a customer service conversation.
I have found if you’re more of an emotional speaker, conversation tends to flow. There is ease in the words spoken. You tend to repeat yourself. If you are a technical or
logical speaker, there is an order in which you speak. One can tend to stumble their words and hit road bumps, in the somewhat constant analysis that is going on inside.
So, which one are you? Have you observed this? Or been fascinated how others carry on a conversation? Quite Possibly intermingling these two can be quite the challenge. Or perhaps it makes a more colorful conversation. And this can help us understand a little bit more about each other and why the art of conversation is so important.