Every conspiracy theory is like a flower

  • The knowledge of systems is like an understanding of photosynthesis, so you don’t have to study every flower. 
  • Conspiracy theory and culture developed over decades especially since the JFK assassination is a massive multi-generational psychological operation (psyop) to build traumatized NPCs (non-playable characters) who fear perceived or actual plots and ploys directed against them making them easy to control and manipulate.
  • NPCs aka slaves do not unite and build movements to challenge the establishment or not-so obvious establishment instead they become online content creators to disseminate the latest idea, theory or prediction and are a dime a dozen on social media as weapons of mass distraction.  
  • Information overload has overwhelmed a large swathe of the American people (regardless of party) who were then left vulnerable and clamoring for a political savior setting the stage for NSOE figures like Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.
  • Opportunist celebrities like Alex Jones, David Icke, Robert Kennedy, Jesse Ventura and Kan(Ye) West just to name a few were happy to oblige and sell videos and books taking advantage of fear and anxiety.
  • Power, profit and control are the “values” that guide the actions of these self-professed “activists “and “experts” who spew half-truths but whole bald-faced lies while those who listen to them are discouraged from uniting working people.

The movement for Truth Freedom Health is one of iconoclasm or the tearing down of the idols and false gods of celebrity, politics and history.

A great deal of cognitive dissonance exists due to the incessant and effective programming promoting the works of famous men and women (thanks to positive public relations campaigns) throughout history who truly led contradictory lives. 

These NSOE historic golden calves include-Martin (birth name Michael) Luther King Jr. named after his father the Reverend Michael King Sr. however he renamed his son Martin after the German Augustinian priest turned Protestant reformer without a legal name change until 1957.

King was also a suspected plagiarist while at Boston University and serial adulterer. King also was inspired by the words and methods of another oft-praised and celebrated NSOE Mahatma Gandhi who quelled a popular movement against British imperialism. 

King in like manner adopted Gandhi’s methods and civil rights (rights endowed by the government establishment that can also be violated and rescinded) was a human being not made of chiseled marble like the memorial dedicated to him in Washington D.C. and therefore is not immune to scrutiny and criticism.

Other examples of NSOE are podcast bro host Joe Rogan and Alex Jones, the gatekeeper of the conspiracy culture in the United States who only go so far when discussing conspiracies.

They wield power, gain profit and flaunt their control over minds of people who are tired of the mainstream lies so they are vulnerable to the “alternative” media ones.

They are characters, “alternative” media celebrity personalities and influencers however they deliberately refuse to connect the dots that a bottoms-up movement exists except they point to individuals he would like to see in power and sell false hope of genuine change for the better to their listeners and subscribers.

As long as there is no movement, they can continue to spew sensationalist propaganda and get rich doing it. 

At the same time they are profiting from the confusion and discontent of everyday working people who are presented with false choices- one is to resign from getting involved at all or resorting to desperate acts of violence as the way to solve problems. 

There is a true alternative to the false choices before us- a systems science approach to problems instead of dialectical thinking of pro-this and anti-that. Wedge issues are distractions from doing the real work of building a movement, uniting and growing it.

Container Gardening is for the Adventurous

There’s and endless number of tutorials on YouTube of wacky DIY ideas. A lot of them seem to exist solely for the purpose of providing content; who cares if it’s really useful, the channel needs content.

The Soul as an Intelligent System

Whether dreaming, awake or any other state of being- we are always conscious. For example, you can be conscious you are dreaming, conscious you are dead and in another realm of being.

Magnesium: Chicken Soup for your Immune System

Magnesium has a strong relation with the immune system. We all know that vitamin D3 plays an essential role in our immune systems. But any conversation about Vitamin D is incomplete without a discussion of the mineral magnesium.

Soul as an Intelligent System

Your body is a temporary system containing many other supporting systems. Your immortal soul, you, the conscious you, that which tells you, you are you, is also a part of a greater system, a greater consciousness.

The Soul as an Intelligent System

When I was child, before I could articulate feelings into words and could only gurgle, laugh or cry, I had an experience that others have also spoken of as having.

The Soul as an Intelligent System

“The power or faculty attaining direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference-immediate apprehension or cognition -quick and ready insight.”

The Soul as an Intelligent System

“What a beautiful gift it would have been for all of us, if we hadn’t had our thinking done for us, mostly before we were born- If we therefore didn’t know what we are supposed to think, or to believe- If our minds had not been conditioned or caged but allowed to fly free as a bird.”

How Shall I Photograph Thee? Let Me Count the Ways

If you’ve ever received an Amaryllis bulb in a box for Christmas, you know what a delight those big, beautiful blooms are in the middle of winter. But have you ever wondered if you can make it bloom the next year?

The Soul as an Intelligent System

The essence of life, “gift of life”, impetus, is initiated by and from the Source through the Soul. This essence is within all and contains all.

Why are the Dutch Farmers Protesting?

Thousands demonstrate against nitrogen policy in South Park. We were on the ground handing out the truth freedom health open house orientation flashcards, more than 25,000 young and old protests ahead of the election.

The Soul as an Intelligent System

Life seemingly arose within nothing, from nowhere. But “nowhere” like “nothing” truly exists. Nowhere being a place unknown, a place yet to be discovered.

Radioactive waste: Placating a Phobia

You’ve heard it all before: not in my backyard! No nukes in Illinois, California, etc… But how many lives are being saved? Are there any bold heroes we should thank for standing up to the nuclear boogeyman?

The Soul as an Intelligent System

Many “Creation” myths, when deciphered, beyond their archaic context and without viewing them literally but by viewing them intuitively. Speak of order emerging from chaos, in the form of a Conscious Higher Intelligence.