People paying for the Power & Profit-thirsty Elites: Finnish electricity security; Big mess with Fortum, first Caruna, then Finnish state, Uniper, The German state since 2013

  • 2013: The ruining of Finnish electricity security started as state-owned electricity grid came under the control of international investors
  • In 2013, the government’s Ministerial Committee on economic policy stated that Fortum’s electricity networks are not of strategic importance and can be sold
  • Strategy: Distraction from important things, and it is working
  • Fortum bought German Uniper in 2017
  • Uniper buying gas (LNG) at a high price and selling it cheaply in Germany
  • The daily loss around 50 million euros.
  • There have been “emergency packs” and money transferred, we might never know the truth of how much
  • The German government didn’t rise the prices, even when it’s the case of force majeure
  • Finland still hasn’t paid Russia for the gas (LNG), the government refused to pay in rubles spring 2022
  • Politicians from all major parties have been involved in breaking the electricity market to pieces for profit
  • Former Fortum CEO Pekka Lundmark admits that he made mistakes in the Uniper deal
  • Blame Russia for everything and make it sound fashionable
  • Just now: Fortum has completed the sale of its Uniper holding to the German state
  • An increase in the price of electricity due to a Russian special military operation would have been too much, add to this the messy deal with politicians and the money-making elite
  • You can ask yourself and others, do you want this kind of monetary abuse of working people to continue. Do you want to support power-profit hungry Elites or do you want to do something about it

An electric blue fountain

2013: The ruining of Finnish electricity security started as state-owned electricity grid came under the control of international investors

Our government sold Fortum, the Finnish electricity transmission network to Electricity Transmission Company Caruna, a foreign company back in 2014.

Caruna raised electricity transmission prices by as much as 27 percent later to levels as high as 44 percent to 54 percent, while increasing the energy charge to about 40 percent.

People were furious but are still paying.

Security of supply and the functioning of society versus profit

Our government didn’t care about Finnish people, they wanted profit.

In 2013, the government’s Ministerial Committee on economic policy stated that Fortum’s electricity networks are not of strategic importance and can be sold.

Fortum definitely had had a strategic interest in ensuring the functionality of electricity production and distribution, i.e., the uninterrupted supply of energy, even in exceptional circumstances.

Distraction from important things, and it is working.

While the government and officials were making deals, the main focus was once again somewhere less important: in a minister’s renovation and how she avoided taxes.

Another public servant case made headlines about the suspicions of her employee benefits, child benefits and what felt to be excessive salary.

This is the pattern they use. Distraction, distraction, distraction!

Russian Special operation and Uniper, a subsidiary of the Finnish state-owned company Fortum

The demolishment didn’t end there. Fortum bought Uniper in 2017.

Uniper was/is buying gas (LNG) at a high price and selling it cheaply in Germany. The daily loss was/is around 50 million euros.

There have been “emergency packs” and money transferred, we might never know the truth of how much.

Do Finnish people pay for the German cheap prices?

At one point it was said that the Finns must pay for the Germans electricity through this mess. The German government didn’t rise the prices, even when it’s the case of force majeure.

It’s a fact that Finland hasn’t paid Russia the gas (LNG) bill, the government refused to pay in rubles spring 2022.

Instead, the government made a deal with an American LNG supplier. People are paying the higher prices and the deal is for 10 years.

Politicians from all major parties have been involved in breaking the electricity market to pieces for profit

All parties have been involved in these deals; the Christian-, the Greens, the Center-, Left-, Right-, the Finns-, and the Swedish parties.

It seems – again – the Finnish people are paying for the high prices and the mess the politicians made.

Now, Former Fortum CEO Pekka Lundmark admits that he made mistakes in the Uniper deal.

You might wonder what that money would do. We have a health and social services reform, there are billions missing, and it is a terrible group when there is no money, ” Lund says.

This can’t just be treated as an ”oops” type of incident. That money is out of all the big social changes and improvements. It’s out of our future.”

What about saying this before the deal was made! Now he says he’s thinking of social services etc.! This is almost like making fun of ordinary people!

The culprits know they will never get punished, so does this ex-CEO;

all they have to do is wait until ignorant working people are paying the mess they made.

“Obviously the media, the people and the Parliament need to look for the culprit, it makes you feel better mentally if you find it.”

Blame Russia for everything and make it sound fashionable

But it’s good to remember that business, politicians, the media, investors – few of us (before the war) thought that Russia’s borders should be closed and never trade with them again.”

“I think the place to look in the mirror is for all of us who believed that a normal market economy works with Russia.”

Deal in the shadows. Some of the deals are made secret

The losses are unclear

Both Fortum and Uniper have announced that they are working to get rid of their Russian businesses. The value of Fortum’s business operations in Russia is EUR 5.5 billion.

Fortum and Uniper are working on getting out of Russia and they won’t get book value for it. The divestment process of Fortum’s Russian businesses is ongoing.

An increase in the price of electricity due to a Russian special military operation would have been too much, add to this the messy deal with politicians and the money-making elite.

Just now:

December 21, 2022, 5:00 pm

Stock Exchange Release

Fortum has completed the sale of its Uniper holding to the German state

You can ask yourself and others, do you want this kind of monetary abuse of working people to continue. Do you want to support power-profit hungry Elites or do you want to do something about it.

The only option is to start studying System Science like the Elites are doing.

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