What is Rife Technology and why should you know about it?

The Plasma Bulb
A Frequency Machine

Royal Rife was an inventor and scientist in California in the early 1900’s. He is most well-known for inventing a powerful optical Microscope that allowed for the first time, one to see live viruses under the magnification of a scope.

Mr. Rife had made waves! He received many accolades and awards for this monumental scientific discovery of his day, including an honorary medical degree from the University of Heidelberg for his work with bacterias. His work was published in numerous journals, newsletters and medical papers. Also notable, in 1944 the Annual Report of the Board of Regents of The Smithsonian Institution featured a story about Rife’s amazing microscope. This man was truly starting to capture the attention of many big names and institutions.

Following his discovery, Rife was intrigued to study the behavior of these organisms under his new microscope. Like what many of us as children enjoyed this activity in grade school. Staring through the lens in wonderment of the movement of tiny particles.

What he discovered next was that every microorganism has a natural frequency. A resonance. A vibration. A pitch. A hertz (also known as a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second). They could literally shake themselves apart. We know this term as a way to specify the frequency of radio waves.

I have been intrigued since learning of this technology. I now see it everywhere. In the music I listen to, in a voice I share conversation with. I find myself resonating with the energy of and frequency of these sounds. I find this in nature as well. When I surround myself with birdsong, ocean waves, wind chimes and falling water. There can be a calming effect, a peacefulness. Or on the contrary you may hear a frequency that makes your head spin! Yes! You know that song or that commercial that just makes you crazy! Rife called this observation the MOR or the “Mortal Oscillatory Rate”.

Subsequently over the following 40 years, Rife and colleagues developed machines in combination with a plasma tube to deliver these MOR frequencies along with radio frequencies that penetrate the body. One particular study that Rife conducted at USC in 1934 resulted in 100% of the test patients   becoming cancer free. YES! During a 90 day study, each terminally ill patient became cancer free! You can only imagine how mainstream medical and the AMA reacted to this great feat. Needless to say Rife was defamed and was left a broke alcoholic after the attacks, lawsuits and theft of his works.

However his work is not forgotten and has been further studied amongst the alternative medicine population. I recently had the gift of my own Rife healing. I had come down with a pathogen of a specific sort that had me feeling flu-like symptoms, achy body and tired limbs. And thank God this didn’t last more than 36 hours before I was feeling almost normal again.

It’s important to understand that there are many components to the use of a Rife frequency machine that need to be considered. Length of time shining the plasma bulb, distance from the body, and of course the proper frequency in kilo or mega hertz (KHz/MHz). It certainly takes a practiced individual to use one of the Rife technologies properly. In my case, I worked with a healer who uses muscle testing kinesiology to interact with the body to find out what is needed. This is certainly what I would encourage others to do as well.

My hope is that more people learn about and utilize this type of healing and technology, and with the proper precautions. In fact, I was pleased to hear of a neighbor friend who used this for his cancer, and the tumors are now gone. He continues to use it daily.

Royal Rife in His Own Words, A Documentary where you can learn more

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