The Soul as an Intelligent System

You control you when fear is defeated

“You have power over your mind- not outside events – Realise this and you will find strength”- Thus wrote Marcus Aurelius- Who was heralded as Ancient Rome’s greatest Emperor. However, there is not much to choose from regarding Tyrants who sought to enslave and subjugate other peoples under the callous boot of the then Roman Empire.

Contrary it was a slave of Rome who is better admired and remembered in the minds of ordinary people. Spartacus never wrote down his musings– Yet if he had, surely it would have been- “Live Free or die a slave” He walked his talk- rather than fight other gladiator slaves for the elite’s entertainment and distraction of Rome’s bloodthirsty citizens- He, Spartacus decided it better to fight for freedom.

After sending tremors through the elites of Rome- It is ironic that the military leaders who eventually defeated Spartacus- Crassus, Pompey and Caesar all met inglorious ends.

Crassus, Rome’s richest citizen having molten gold poured down his throat in mockery of his love of wealth and power by the Parthians he had sought to conquer.

Pompous Pompey was beheaded in Egypt by Cleopatra’s brother, co regent and rival after seeking military help to beat Caesar and Mark Anthony who were hot on his tail after defeating his army.

And finally, Caesar was stabbed to death by conspiring senators.

Spartacus also did some terrible things and there are many versions of the truth.

But people love a good story- a hero or indeed heroin- a freedom fighter.

We often wear rose tinted spectacles to colour truth to our liking. Yet stories inspire- I believe because we all want to be the hero of our own story- our life. As David Bowie sang “We can be hero’s just for one day” I say yes but not just for one day but forever.

Real hero’s often go unsung- My Dad was my hero when I was a child- always fighting for the underdog yet gentle by nature and a lover of people and animals- always seeking the best in others- He was only five foot two and half inches tall yet stood up to brawny bullies putting them in their place and also putting me right when I was wrong- No books have been written about him- There are no Hollywood blockbuster movies of my Dad’s story- He would laugh at the thought of it.

No one is in control of any in reality- All can say No- All can rule themselves be self-sovereign- They can kill your body, but you must know that your soul- who you are in reality is immortal and this life is but a flash in the pan- so what is there to fear.

They the elites killed Spartacus the body, but they could not kill the idea of Freedom from slavery- this is why common folk love his story.

People are ruled by fear, but fear faced melts away. You- your soul existed long before you were born on Earth and will continue to exist into Eternity. And there is way to prove to yourself what I speak of- not in a way of religion or mysticism but simple common sense- I intend to explain this in future writings . . .

To be continued. . .

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

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