“Carbon black endless night
Nothing yet born to live or die
No ear to hear- no tongue to tell
No talk of “Heaven”- no talk of “Hell”
No Sun above- no you or I
Mountain, valley or starry sky
No Light to shine- no reason no rhyme
No Soul to sing
Of nothingness- of everything. . .”
Life seemingly arose within nothing, from nowhere. But “nowhere” like “nothing” truly exists. Nowhere being a place unknown, a place yet to be discovered.
Everything everywhere is substance. All is made of something, whether known or unknown. Thought is made of something, so too the Soul/Universe is made of many substances, brought into the way of Intelligence, of order, of refinement, of purpose.
“Nothing” is made of something, something yet to be given the way of Soul.
Using the value contained in everything, to create something beautiful and soulful out of “nothing”.
It was not by chance or accident “life” arose, butby the deliberate actions of a Supreme Intelligence. A Higher Intelligence to which all Human Beings are connected by way of thought
This Higher Intelligence is what all Human Beings are connected to by way of thought.
Intelligence alone can not act it requires power, energy, life force.
Thought is the most powerful substance on Earth, it contains both power and intelligence.
Thoughts and ideas shape the world.
Nothingness is outside of Soul. It marks a boundary in which the way of Soul is presently contained.
It is areas into which the Soul, the Universe expands.
Transforming all it’s wake, the Higher Intelligence refines and adds value to all it encounters. Creating order and harmony where there was none. It is an ongoing and eternal process- It is how time in it’s true sense is created. Time being the covering of nothingness with the way of power governed by intelligence, the way of Soul. No power = No movement = Nomovement = No life = No more time.
“Nothing” is a form of chaos, a way of solidity of substance, a way of lifelessness.
Like a lump of marble yet to be fashioned by a sculptor’s hands.
A blank canvas onto which the artist’s ideas are made manifest
A carbon black night yet to be lit by a first primal light
Our thoughts and feeling inform when something does not feel right and requires our attention.
Could be a lack of or straying from our purpose. Or the actions of others such as indoctrinators forcing their way upon us. Each have a unique purpose to fulfil and no other but you, your soul can know what that purpose is.
Break free of the chains of slavery indoctrinators placed upon you from birth.
Transforming all it’s wake, the Higher Intelligence refines and adds value to all it encounters. Creating order and harmony where there was none. It is an ongoing and eternal process- It is how time is created. Time being the covering of nothingness with the way of power and intelligence, the way of Soul. No power = No movement = no life, nomovement = no more time.
Everything that exists within the universe has a purpose and contributes to the overall purpose of producing Power. Power enables the Higher Intelligence to act, to evolve in a way of understanding.
The purpose of life is survival of the Soul- Power enables the Higher Intelligence to act.
It is said that “knowledge is power” but True power is understanding and trusting your own soul. Wisdom being- how and when to use that understanding- not just for self but to assist others. Caring for others is the code of Soul. Caring is saying the right thing at the right time regardless of what others may think of you.