A Digital Passenger Declaration for entry into Australia was introduced on the 21 February 2022 but was quietly withdrawn on the 6th of July 2022 just 135 days later: Focus on the Freedom of Australians

  • Recent Australian Entry requirements; the gobbledegook of officialdom.
  • Just 113 years after the arrival of a fleet of 11 ship full of convicts Australians among the wealthiest nations in the world.
  • Referendums adopting the Australian Constitution was the first time in the world that a national constitution had been submitted to the people’s vote.
  • The Americans revolution results in convicts being sent from Britain to Botany Bay.
  • Australia’s only revolt 66 years later: The Eureka Stockade Rebellion was a battle between gold miners at Ballarat and the Red Coates.
  • Mass public support and a popular uprising resulted in all the rebels being acquitted and male suffrage being granted in the Australian colonies.
  • The not so obvious establishment (NSOE) fights back; the 6 independent colonies are re colonised by British sycophants on the 1st of January 1901.
  • Australia’s head of state is now King Charles the 3rd of the United Kingdom: There was no referendum.
  • Australian’s freedoms lost to the Covid tyranny.

A search on the internet about Australian government entry requirements will bring up the following: The Australian Government has released a new digital system to collect information from passengers entering Australia.  

The Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) will replace the existing Australia Travel Declaration (ATD) web-based form.

The ATD will be phased out on 21 February but will be available in a read only format so you can refer to your previous records.

Entering Australia by plane

But in the same search you will also find the following: Australia’s border requirements are changing from 6 July 2022.

Travellers entering or leaving Australia will not need to provide evidence of vaccination status.

People entering Australia will no longer be required to complete a Digital Passenger Declaration or Maritime Travel Declaration.

A DPD needed to enter Australia between 21st February 2022 and 6 July 2022

From 6 July 2022, unvaccinated Australian citizens and permanent residents can leave and enter Australia without an individual travel exemption.

Travellers entering or leaving Australia do not require a negative pre-departure test and cruise vessels can enter Australian territory.

However, all incoming travelers will need to comply with the testing and quarantine requirements of the state or territory of their arrival, and any other state or territory to which they plan to travel.  

There is only one word that describes this mess and that word is gobbledegook; a word sometimes defined to be, “the overinvolved, pompous talk of officialdom”.

History books state that Australian became a nation on the 1st of January 1901.  The constitution that was adopted has been said to have been inspired by the American constitution.  

Six British colonies became states on the 1st of January 1901 and these states formed a federation referred to as the Commonwealth of Australia.

 And wealthy Australia was.  On the 1st of January 1901 Australians had one the highest income per capita in the entire world. 

This is quite remarkable as just 113 years prior 11 ships carrying 1402 mainly convicts set sail for Botany Bay.  Those ships are known as the first fleet. 

Botany Bay was a place on the other side of the planet named by Daniel Solander, the first Swede to circumnavigate the world and Joseph Banks a wealthy English philanthropist. 

These two botanists were on one of history’s most famous ships, the Endeavour, captained by Lieutenant James Cook. 

11 Ships carried 1402 convicts to Botany Bay in 1788. 113 years later Australia was one of the wealthiest nations on the planet. 

Just 113 years after the first fleet arrived the 1901 Australian Constitution, an Act of the British Parliament, adopted the British Westminster parliamentary system and the British common law.  

The Australian head of state was to be the British monarch.  

However there was one uniquely Australian feature; the Australian constitution was adopted and can only be changed with the approval of the people at a federal referendum.

A majority of voters in a majority of the six states are needed before there can be any changes to the Australian Constitution. 

Unrestricted travel and commercial intercourse were specifically enshrined as freedoms within the new Australian Commonwealth Constitution that was approved by the people in referendums asking people to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ that were held in each of the Australian colonies between 1898 and 1900. 

It was the first time in the world that a national constitution had been submitted to the people’s vote. 

A 1972 Australian passport:  Guaranteeing the Freedom to travel. State police have no authority to hinder an Australian citizen, but few Australians knew this as State borders closed in 2021

But the people did not approve what happened in April 2020!

In April 2020 the six states arose, phoenix like, from the ashes of the Commonwealth to became six separate facto countries and operating under emergency powers they stripped Australian citizens of many of their basic freedoms.

 It is now known that it was a fake emergency. A nasty cold has destroyed the Commonwealth of Australia reviving sovereign powers that the states only had when they were British Colonies. How extraordinary!

The connection between Australia and America flows directly from the American Revolution on two counts.  

1/ It was only because the Americans won the revolutionary war that convicts ceased to be sent from Britain to the American colonies, and 

2/ North Americans were present at Australia’s own rebellion at Ballarat in December 1854. 

Standing under the Southern Cross, Australia’s Flag of Freedom

The taxing of tea without representation triggered the American revolution. A poll tax on the gold fields triggered the only revolt in Australia’s history. 

There was no war because the British stealthy redeployed troops fighting the Maori wars in New Zealand and very quickly put down the rebellion with a pre-dawn attack.

The story is as follows:  The Eureka Stockade Rebellion on the 3rd of December 1854 was a battle between gold miners of Ballarat in the colony of Victoria, and the colonial authority of the United Kingdom.  

At least 27 people, the majority of whom were miners and 5 redcoats were killed.  It became known as the Eureka Massacre due to the death of a number of miners who were killed in their tents after the surrender. 

This event was the culmination of a period of civil disobedience by the miners who objected to the expense of the miners licence, the corrupt administration of the gold fields and that a poll tax was imposed on miners and businesses alike, with no representation.   

This led to the creation of the Ballarat reform league movement from which the rebellion grew.  

However, during a lull when many of the miners had left the stockade leaving only 120 to defend it, the authorities chose a pre-dawn swift and deadly attack which ended in about half an hour.

There were many heroes including the women who tried valiantly to defend their unarmed menfolk from the soldier’s bayonets. 

Who so base as be a slave?” N.B. Bring your Licenses, they may be wanted.

There was mass public support for the rebels when they were taken as prisoners to Melbourne where they were placed on trial.  As a result of the popular uprising all the accused were acquitted.

What followed was the introduction of the Victorian Electoral Act of 1856 that mandated full white male suffrage for elections of the lower house of parliament in Victoria. 

Just fifty years earlier in England people were convicted and transported to Australia as political prisoners for agitating for the vote in the Chartist movement.  

All the rebels acquitted, and the government of the day defeated “on their chosen ground”

The Eureka rebellion is identified with the birth of democracy in Australia.  

The rebellion, the political revolt and the concerns of the miners were the same concerns of the larger common people all around the world. 

Although France, under the 1793 Jacobin constitution, was the first major country to enact suffrage for all adult males, it was never formally used in practice until it was re-established in France in 1848.

In the Australian colonies, universal male suffrage first became law in the colonies of South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales between 1856 and 1858. This included the introduction of the secret ballot.

Ships bearing news from Australia in March 1855. The reports of the Eureka rebellion “took precedence over reports about the Crimean War”. 

My Canadian born two times great grandfather, John Denison Campbell, was present at Ballarat at the time of the rebellion.

He later became the first town clerk of Grenfell another gold mining town in New South Wales. 

John became a local political organizer for John Watson, Australia’s Prime Minister in the world’s first Labor Government. 

My times great grandfather 

The question is, have Australians ever really been independent?  

Some argue that rather than gaining independence as a new nation, to the contrary, the five Australian colonies that had broken away from the mother colony of New South Wales were re colonized on the 1st of January 1901 and lost their independence.  

A reunified “nation” was far easier for Britain to control than six competing “independent” colonies.  

The colonial premiers and politicians at that time were all under the sway of the British aristocracy and were themselves mainly barristers and QCs (Queen’s Counsel). 

 A few weeks ago, the head of state of Australia changed without a vote. Australia’s head of state is now King Charles the 3rd of the United Kingdom, as represented in Australia by his Governor General.  

Following  what has happened recently many Australians now realise that we have been taking freedom for granted?  

Our freedom was not granted, it was attained after many hardships were endured; hardships in Australia including transportation to Botany Bay in chains as convicts and civil disobedience on the gold fields as diggers.

The recent lockdowns, the fallacious use emergency powers, the profligate spending and the callous destruction of many small businesses by government feels more like tyranny than freedom.  

For the Truth Freedom Health movement.

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