- Participating in demonstrations has decreased in Finland
- Parties registered 1969-70 been in charge of our political decisions since then
- THEY are united now
- Usually the leading party alternates left-center-right, center-left-right etc.
- There are over 20 political parties in Finland
- More parties to give us hope things can be changed by “voting the right way”
- From protesting to partying & enjoying the moment – divided into smaller groups
I’ve been participating in demonstrations against the establishment for years now. It began with the government’s insane cost-cutting politics.
There was this extremely disastrous prime minister who promised: ”I am not cutting from the education”.
Well, he made big cuts to the education system. Say one thing – do as you please.
We stopped the traffic on Hakaniemi bridge.

Then there were the Nazis marching and we marched for no Nazis anywhere, at the same time. Lots of people participated.
The Nazis had a Nordic Resistance Movement PVL which got banned by Supreme court. PVL raised a Nazi flag during their march.
“…Supreme Court bans neo-Nazi group’s activities
According to the Police Board, there are grounds to shut the PVL down as it fundamentally operates in violation of the law and accepted principles of morality…”

After the ”pandemic” started and the tyrannical measures took place I have marched for freedom in World Wide Demonstration, 20th of March 2021 onwards every time.
First there were thousands of people who joined together, no matter the Finnish so-called spring weather.

Movements during the “pandemic”
There were some coalitions & movements forming in 2021, like “For Freedom”, ”We the people” – a bit older, ”White overalls” etc.
I shouted, ”For freedom”. The idea for not being against anything but FOR something was ok then.
More political parties
I was so amazed when I heard there’s another new party in the making: the Revolution party!
I don’t know if I should laugh or cry! Revolution, what is a revolution? Well, revolution is what we need right now, all over the world.
But does revolution happen using political parties?
The definition of the word ”Revolution” in Oxford dictionary:
” a change in the way a country is governed, usually to a different political system and often using violence or war:
- The French Revolution changed France from a monarchy to a republic.
- The country seems to be heading towards revolution.
- a very important change in the way that people do things:
- a technological revolution
- Penicillin produced a revolution in medicine.
More examples
- The new materials brought about a revolution in building technology.
- The invention marked the beginning of a revolution in information technology.
- The industrial revolution created an enormous increase in the production of many types of goods.
(Definition of revolution from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

List of political parties existing in Finland now:
- Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue The Finnish Social Democratic Party
- Perussuomalaiset The Finns Party
- Kansallinen Kokoomus The National Coalition Party
- Suomen Keskusta The Centre Party of Finland
- Vihreä liitto The Greens
- Vasemmistoliitto The Left Alliance
- Suomen ruotsalainen kansanpuolue Swedish People’s Party of Finland
- Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit Christian Democrats in Finland
- Liike Nyt Movement Now
- Valta kuuluu kansalle “Power belongs to the people”
- Avoin Puolue The Open Party
- Eläinoikeuspuolue The Animal Justice Party of Finland
- Feministinen puolue The Feminist Party
- Kansalaisliitto Citizen coalition
- Kansalaisliitto r.p., Medborgarförbundet r.p. “The Citizens’ Party”
- Korjausliike “Correction Party” Blue future
- Kristallipuolue Crystal Party
- Liberaalipuolue – Vapaus valita The Liberal Party – Freedom to choose
- Piraattipuolue The Pirate Party of Finland
- Seitsemän tähden liike Seven Star Movement
- Sinimusta Liike “Blue and black Movement”
- Suomen Kansa Ensin Finnish Nation First
- Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue Finnish Communist Party
- Vapauden liitto Freedom Coalition
- Vallankumouspuolue (New 2022?->) Revolution party
Some of these parties have existed for years, some are just starting, aiming for the parliamentary elections in spring 2023.
Parties 1- 4 on my list, have been registered 1969-70 and they have been in charge of our political decisions since then, usually the leading party rotating like left-center-right, center-left-right etc.
Funny thing is, parties established between 2016 -2019, there are still 10 parties functioning.
“Power belongs to the people”, Freedom Coalition, “Blue and black Movement”, Crystal Party, Finnish Communist Party, The Open Party and now this Revolution Party – perhaps – have been registered during the “pandemic” 2021-22.
The Finns Party (est. 1995) was talking very loudly about preserving Finnishness and exiting the European Union but now all the ruling parties vote the same, talk the same. There is no difference anymore!

Clearly something has been wrong for a long time before the “pandemic” and people have been trying to correct it, protesting and trying to vote “the right way”.
Or is it the not so obvious establishment or the Elites who create more parties to give us hope things can be changed by “voting the right way”.
I have witnessed my friends and acquaintances moving from protesting to partying & enjoying the moment, moving to the Finnish countryside off-grid or going into politics with these new parties.
Is this a planned operation or what! People have been even more divided into those smaller groups inside a group, and they are not protesting.
Another thing that horrifies me is when a movement doesn’t do anything but wait. “Let’s wait until the parliament elections”, “Let’s wait what happens and there will be help from the USA, “Let’s see if Q drops are happening”, “let’s enjoy life while we can…”
There is lots of work to be done informing people how to get wisdom and clarity – I’m on my way there: