- Positive Credit Information Register has been made into law in Finland 8th of July 2022
- This has gone unnoticed for people, the media hasn’t informed us
- The Register will be in use spring 2024
- EVERY person who has the Finnish Social Security Number will be transferred into the Register.
- The Register is governed by State.
- It holds all your income and your loan & credit details, interest rates, last payments etc.
- Control over ALL PEOPLE using the overly indebted people as an excuse.
The Credit Register is part of the final enslavement system for all of us.

Positive Credit Information Register has been made into law in Finland 8th of July 2022. This has gone unnoticed for people; the media hasn’t informed us and is still not informing about what it really means for the working people.
It say clearly on the Finnish Government pages the Register will be in use spring 2024.
What is the Positive Credit Information Register
EVERY person who has the Finnish Social Security Number will be transferred into the Register.
The Register is governed by State.
It holds all your income and your loan & credit details, interest rates, last payments etc.

Top Down & One size fits all solution
There are people who are compulsory shoppers, have fallen into financial difficulties – especially after 2020 – gambling addicts etc. who would be in the need of advice & assistance, but they are again the minority of all people.
The State – and the European Union + no doubt states all over the World – want to increase control over ALL PEOPLE using the overly indebted people as an excuse.
Just like in the Covid lockdowns & mandates showed us!
Media telling part truths
Many people have let the news of the Credit Register pass as their finances are ok, thinking this is no corner of theirs. The media is giving an impression this is to help those indebted people and concern them only.
The Credit Register is part of the final enslavement system for all of us. It’s part of the Digital money system and the elites will use it to get working people taxed Climate Credit!
Time is running fast, join Truth Freedom Health now, educate yourself, start acting together with other working people to end this enslavement!