Health: Get out from using harmful chemicals on your skin – Do-It-Yourself Chemical-free deodorant from Food store ingredients

  • Deodorants & antiperspirants: Drying effect from alcohol, aluminum, parabens, phthalates, hormone disruptors
  • Some types of chemicals are disrupting the endocrine system
  • The aluminum-based salts used in antiperspirants clog up the sweat glands.
  • Has the use of chemicals near lymph nodes and under arms near breasts something to do with increasing risk of breast cancer?
  • What we put on our skin can be absorbed right into the bloodstream
  • There are plenty of natural, organic, and chemical-free deodorants available
  • Making your own deo saves money, too
  • Soda deodorants are working by changing the pH to more alkaline, so the bacteria don’t like it
  • The chemical name of baking soda is NaHCO3, it is a food additive, acidity regulator
  • Baking soda is alkaline
  • Component of the mineral natron is found dissolved in many mineral springs
  • Coconut oil has antibacterial properties
  • Buy the right stuff: baking powder contains acids
  • You can do your own deo with only two or three ingredients
  • You can add essential oil to your deo
  • Simple recipe below

A jar of soda deodorant

What is sweat?

Our underarms create a nice, warm home for bacteria. Remember all bacteria is not bad. These bacteria are eating the moisture. The waste generated from this process creates the odor you associate with sweat.

Deodorants & antiperspirants: Drying effect from alcohol, hormone disruptors, aluminum

Deodorants and antiperspirants contain chemicals, artificial fragrances, aluminum, antimicrobial agents, or ethanol which may have a negative impact on our health. Ethanol may dry your skin.

They’re mainly sold in plastic packaging, may contain toxic fragrances, phthalates, and parabens (these have been linked to breast cancer) and are all known hormone disrupters.

Some types of chemicals are disrupting the endocrine system. They are called Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs).

EDCs are used in everyday products such as cosmetics, cleaning products, packaging, fabrics, and they last for a very long time in the environment.

The aluminum-based salts used in antiperspirants clog up the sweat glands.

Has the use of chemicals near lymph nodes and under arms near breasts something to do with increasing breast cancer?

Breast cancer UK is recommending lowering the chemical burden on your body, so they have recognized there is a problem.

What we put on our skin can be absorbed right into the bloodstream

Percutaneous administration of medicines is used to achieve a long duration of action or a steady concentration of drugs, or to bypass the metabolism of the gut and liver. Using chemicals on your skin works the same way.

Mandarins, what a fresh scent!

There are plenty of natural, organic, and chemical-free deodorants available. This is one example of what they may contain:

Sodium Bicarbonate, Zea Mays Starch, Cocos Nucifera Oil, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter, Myrica Cerifera Fruit Wax, Olea Europaea Fruit Oil, Limonene, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia Peel Oil, Citrus Nobilis Peel Oil, Macadamia Seed Oil Polyglyceryl-6 Esters Behenate, Citrus Aurantifolia Peel Oil, Citrus Limon Peel Oil, Tocopherol, Linalool, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil, Citral, Geraniol (a monoterpenoid and an alcohol)

Basically oil + Sodium Bicarbonate + scent ingredients.

The natural soda deo costs 16,95 €/ 48 g in a health food shop in Finland. Making your own deo saves money, too. Baking soda is cheap and can be bought in big packages.

Soda deodorants are working by changing the pH to more alkaline, so the bacteria don’t like it.

The chemical name of baking soda is NaHCO3

Baking soda has many names, depending on where you live:  baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, bread soda, cooking soda, Natron, nahcolite, sodium bicarb, bicarb soda, bicarbonate, and bicarb.

Its E number food additive code is E500, acidity regulator.

Baking soda is alkaline, the pH between 8-9. It is a salt composed of a sodium cation (Na+) and a bicarbonate anion (HCO3−). Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline, but often appears as a fine powder. It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste resembling that of washing soda (sodium carbonate). The natural mineral form is nahcolite. It is a component of the mineral natron and is found dissolved in many mineral springs.

Hot summer scene from a beach in Helsinki

Baking soda

  • is used in cooking,
  • a mild disinfectant,
  • you can use it as a whitening agent in laundry detergents, cleaning kitchen and bathroom,
  • removing stains,
  • it’s an effective odor remover,
  • neutralizes acids, some use it to fight acid indigestion, heartburn,
  • used in mouthwashes.

Coconut oil has antibacterial properties. It moisturizes the skin.

Buy the right stuff: baking powder contains acids

It’s good to know there’s a possibility to confuse baking soda with baking powder. Don’t use baking powder!

Baking powders contain sodium bicarbonate and two acids to help the dough in the baking process. Baking powder is a complete leavening agent.

Baking powder crossed over, baking soda, coconut oil, essential oil, a jar, and a spoon to mix the ingredients.

You can do your own deo with only two or three ingredients

All you need is coconut oil (or Shea butter, cocoa butter) and baking soda.

You can add essential oil to your deo. 10-15 drops for a cup.

Examples of fragrances/essential oils to use:

For women: Jasmine, orange, lavender, rose, lemon, ylang ylang…

For men: sandalwood, cedarwood, orange, patchouli, juniper, pine, vetiver…

Or you can test and/or mix these: sage, rosemary, thyme, cardamom, cinnamon…

Maybe your already using aromatherapy or like to keep your style, it’s possible to have your favorite scent as deo!

This deodorant can be made without measuring anything, but if you like to do it measuring the ingredients, here’s a recipe

1/4 cup baking soda

1/4 cup cornstarch or arrowroot – cornstarch helps reduce sweat

5-6 Tbsp coconut oil

5- 20 drops essential oil – fight odor, and reduce bacteria growth

Simple recipe

Mix coconut oil with baking soda, the right consistency is when you can take a small amount on your finger and spread it on the skin of your underarms.

The consistency depends on the temperature you have in your home, coconut oil is in liquid form in warmer temperatures.

You can mix the ingredients using a spoon, adding more baking soda until it’s the right composition.

Using the soda deo

Take the amount of 1-2 peas on your finger and spread it.

Warning: Some people experience itching when they use the soda deo for the first time. You can wash the deo off and use it the next day, the itching usually stops after a few days.

You can add some more coconut oil into your deo, making the mix milder = less alkaline.

Changing to chemical-free products may result in you smelling clearer the chemicals other people use.

Mixing the ingredients

Dr. Shiva and his team have created the Truth Freedom Health® program for us. There are many great tools to utilize like Your Body, Your System® available when you join as a Supporter or Warrior-Scholar!

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