Oodi, the main library has been flagging too. Libraries are symbols of knowledge and wisdom.
The Helsinki main railway station has been flagging too. There have been buildings lighted with Ukraine colors. There are Ukraine flag colors in ads, in public transport etc.

Finns are very careful and obedient of the rules concerning flags and flagging times, it is not usual to see Finnish flags anywhere but in “official” places and on official days and times.
Finnish flags are handled with care and respect.
Summer cottages are flagged with a householder’s pennant usually at summertime, but “it would be best if we just flagged when the guests are coming…”
Kids are certainly not allowed to touch the flag and there are no such events taking place when people would freely wave cheap party-type flags anywhere. There is one exception – sports.
Signs of Neo-nazism
There is almost some kind of fear of being identified as a neo-nazi if you wave the Finnish flag, that is the conception. The mainstream media is certainly adding up to this!
So funny when you know what is going on in the World!