Infrastructure: Dental care and Care Guarantee in Finland – dental check-up queue up to 12 months now

  • 130,000 of the necessary dental visits were not carried out in Helsinki in 2020
  • Thousands queue in Helsinki for non-urgent dental treatment
  • The queues for dental care in Helsinki have also been increased by the large number of sick leaves and technical problems
  • Employees were transferred from dental care to post-infection care, Corona tracking and sampling
  • The city also had to slow down on services because there was not enough protective equipment and because of shortage of space
  • There are many problems with infrastructure in Finland and they are affecting the people, not things like giving millions to EU

The dental care in Finland has been arranged in city and county Health Care Centers. Finnish people are paying high taxes for this kind of health care. We are told we have a welfare state.

The welfare state has been crumbling down for years.

The que to get to dental check-up is as long as one year now.

There were problems with the call-in center staff first, now people get through to make an appointment, but the appointment will be months up to a year from now.

You can get an urgent care appointment if you have pain or very sharp edges in a chipped tooth.

I had a front tooth filling chipped recently. It took the dentist 12 minutes trying to convince me it is only an aesthetic matter so they wouldn’t’ have to give me an appointment time. Yes, it was that, but it was also a health risk as the edges were scratching mucous membrane inside the lip. I got an appointment to a dentist at the same day.

The city is giving patients service vouchers to private Dentist

It costs more even after the Social Insurance Institutions discount.

One filling with local anesthesia in Oral Dentist Center costs 187.00€ + office fee 19,90€, 146.00€ + 18.00€ in Ogadent. The cost in a city Health Care Center is 47.50€.

Some people are using the private dentists, some are going to their Health Care Center. Some people can’t afford the private care even if they’re working.

You’re still paying taxes for dental care even when you can’t visit the dental care center because of the situation!

The queue worsened during 2020 – 2021

Some of the cities and counties closed the Care Centers because of Covid, some of them said they didn’t have enough protective gear or poor availability of dental nurses.

A health care professional is needed to answer the calls because an assessment of care is made at the appointment. There is a nationwide shortage of these professionals.

– There have been recruitments where there hasn’t been a single applicant, Chief Dentist Sebastian Kaste says.

The queues for dental care in Helsinki have also been increased by the large number of sick leaves and technical problems of the personnel.

One must mention the mask mouth in this context, too. There is no mention of mask mouth in mainstream media, but you can think about it after learning about this from Dr. Shiva.

Some 130,000 of the necessary dental visits were not carried out in Helsinki in 2020

This accounts for about 20-25 per cent of all dental visits.

Helsinki was also getting help for dental care appointments from a private company. Employees of the partner company were taking calls in the city’s dental offices.

“As infections increase, some dentist visits may have to be postponed and staff may have to be temporarily reassigned. This week, for example, 10 employees were transferred from dental care to post-infection care”, says Kaste, the leading dentist. Yle News 4.8.2021

Municipal dental care is severely congested in Turku and Vantaa, for example.

Queues for non-urgent dental care have arisen during the couple of years of the corona, when dental nurses were sometimes transferred to Corona tracking and sampling. In some localities, dental clinics closed for a limited time.

Queues got longer in 2022

Turku is doing better, but there is a shortage of space in Turku. The city doesn’t have enough medical facilities for dental care.

The City of Vantaa says Corona infections and exposures have increased sick leaves. Vantaa currently has more than ten per cent of staff out.

Unpaid salaries

Getting staff might be influenced by problems with the payroll system. Some city employees were left without a month’s pay and bonus holiday pay during last summer. Some workers must have used their credit cards or taken a bank loan to survive. Their summer holiday plans were ruined.

The city says it’s because of the software Sarastia didn’t work properly. They had to get help from Deloitte to handle the pay roll chaos, that cost 1,8 million euros of taxpayers money.

Long queues are breaking the law


“Non-urgent cases are treated at municipal health centers.

During the opening hours of the Health Center on weekdays, telephone contact must be made immediately or it must be possible to visit it.

If the assessment of the need for treatment requires a visit to a health center, an appointment must be made within three working days of contact.

Treatment must be available at a health center within three months at the latest. In oral health care, this period can be exceeded by three months without endangering the health of the patient.”

There are many problems with infrastructure in Finland and they are affecting the people, not things like giving millions to EU.

It’s time to organize and fight back to get truth, freedom and health!

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