Magnesium has a strong relation with the immune system. We all know that vitamin D3 plays an essential role in our immune systems. But any conversation about Vitamin D is incomplete without a discussion of the mineral magnesium. It facilitates the absorption of the D3. Studies have shown that if a person is deficient in magnesium, no amount of Vitamin D3 supplementation will allow a patient to realize the health benefits of adequate Vitamin D. Magnesium is a critical factor in making Vitamin D bioavailable. Without magnesium present, Vitamin D is stored in the body and not used.
Benefits of magnesium:
• Helps vitamin D boost your immune system
• Modulates Seizures, reduces anxiety and migraines
• Alleviates and prevents muscle cramps, sooths sore muscles
• Blood pressure regulation
• Blood sugar regulation
• Nerve function
Low magnesium levels usually don’t cause symptoms. However, chronically low levels can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes , osteoporosis, weakness, and depression.
What’s different now, from the “good old days” of natural foods?
Despite its importance, up to 68% of American adults don’t meet the recommended magnesium daily intake.

Soil depletion: Modern intensive agricultural methods have stripped increasing amounts of nutrients from the soil in which the food we eat grows.
So even good diets of “healthy” foods have depleted magnesium levels.
How to boost and maintain magnesium level:

• Diet: Adding more magnesium into your diet is a good first step to overcoming the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency. Foods that are high in magnesium include: high-fiber foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, beans, avocados, nuts, seeds, and whole gains.

• Sea water is high in minerals — particularly magnesium. Magnesium levels in the body were shown to increase after 60 to 120 minutes of immersion in sea water. A swim in the ocean: good for the soul, and your immune system.

• However, if you don’t have regular access to the ocean, you can still enjoy these potential benefits with Epsom salt — a mixture of magnesium and sulfate — in your bath at home. Mix a cup or two of Epsom salt into your hot bath and soak for at least 15 minutes.
• Topical spray, oil, or gel: Available at the drugstore, absorbed through the skin.
• Supplements, also available at the drugstore.
Summary: This information is not a substitute for medical advice from your doctor. But it should point you in the right direction, and help you ask the right questions.
Healthy food, a swim in the sea, a nice hot bath: good for the mind, body and soul.