Quantum Healing Has Arrived!

  • Quantum Energy Beds
  • Quantum Sound Beds
  • Beam Ray, BrainTap, Rife, Scalar Waves, Tesla and Infrared Technologies
  • Frequency Energy Healing
  • The Well; Fellowship and Frequencies in Boynton Beach, FL.

The Well, traditionally is a symbol of a thriving community, where people would gather to collect water and carry it home. Water has long been a symbol of healing. In biblical days people became inspired by The Samaritan Woman at the Well, and her excitement in sharing the good news. 

The Samaritan Woman at the Well

Now, I have been to The Well and I want to share the good news! I have had my own experience at The Well; Fellowship and Frequency, in Boynton Beach Florida.

The Quantum Sound Beds with Beam Ray

Our bodies, I believe, come equipped with all we need to heal naturally and when supported with the right inputs can thrive and heal on its own. The Well is a place where you can feel goodness by allowing your body to experience energy healing in the form of frequency, sound, lights, vibration and more. Several months ago, I got word that a Quantum Energy Bed had arrived in Florida. And I have been looking forward to this day ever since. Now I was going to experience its powerful healing. 

The BrainTap Headset

The experience starts with a Quantum Sound Bed and Beam Ray. Using Rife Technology and vibration along the chakras every cell in the body is activated. All my organs, bones and cells find their relaxing resonance as I melt into what feels like another dimension. My ears were met with headphones and the sound of music, specifically binaural beats, helps to deepen the sense of peace, yet lifts my spirit to a higher space. Thirdly, was the influence of light therapy directed from a device called BrainTap. Through the retina and ear meridians it balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain to find that homeostatic state. I was still, yet danced in serene wonderment as all the senses were brought into the experience. After 30 minutes I was tingling. Although everything had stopped, I was still buzzing. Awww, the feeling was almost immeasurable.

The Quantum Energy Bed

I was then walked to the next room; it was time for the Quantum Energy Bed. The surface of the bed was made from titanium, however it was not cold at all. The use of infrared heat made the bed cozy and inviting. This system also uses Tesla technology, Rife frequency, Scalar waves, and Sacred Geometry to accomplish the healing and allows the body back to its natural state and resonance so the body can do its magic. No headphones this time, the music filled the entire room. I was left here for nearly an hour while my body found its balance. 

Everything and everybody have their own natural frequency and resonance. In our everyday life there are disruptions that get us out of balance. Stress, in all its forms, causes a non-stop onslaught of factors that cause our bodies to get out of sync. This causes mis-firing in our cell’s communication, thus resulting in inflammation throughout the body. When you experience The Quantum Beds, one walks away with a sense of balance and harmony in the body. The Well is a place that we all need. Co-Founder Mike Dillon, is humbled and honored to be able to bring these beds to the community, and to be the vessel that has brought this together. It was something of a divine intervention he remarks.

Co-Founder Mike Dillon talks about the importance of clean water and clean air

The Quantum Bed Experience is free for first timers, and additional sessions are a $100 suggested donation, very reasonable for the state-of-the-art experience. If you too would like to charge your body with a Quantum Energy tune-up at The Well; Fellowship and Frequency, please contact Co-Founder Christopher Key at 205.936.9803 to book your session. You deserve to feel this good too!!

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

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