Small Community Picnic Reunites Neighborhood

  • For the first time since August of 2019, cozy neighborhood converges for annual flamingo themed picnic
  • After 2 ½ years of minimal gatherings, 24 people catch up in small suburban hamlet
  • Families share potluck on perfect autumn day
  • Enjoy a ‘normal’ social activity, albeit a smaller than usual get-together

An eclectic and close-knit neighborhood reunites for a social gathering to celebrate their community and friendship.  Usually an annual event, the group had last come together for such a function on August 25, 2019. 

The fear of Covid halted the gatherings. The lingering fear and division may have contributed to low attendance at this occasion 2 ½ years after the wave first began. 

Flamingo welcomes picnic guests to the backyard oasis

In the past 30 months, small groups of neighbors had been friendly and cautiously connecting. 

Winter windstorms had brought them together to remove fallen tree limbs that impeded the passing of vehicles on the narrow roadways, spurning a “Post Ice-Pocalypse Neighborhood Clean-Up” in mid-February of 2021.

Since then, some folks banded together to clean up the main thoroughfare adjacent to the 50 homes nestled in the forest. 

Others focused on pulling invasive ivy from trees or removal of refuse from the nearby river and its banks.  They take care of their neighbors and take pride in showing care for their area.

Multi-generational picnic welcomes newest neighbor at 3 weeks old

It was September 24, 2022, when people finally returned to the annual “Flamingo Party ” where people congregated around food with potluck items showcasing homemade mac and cheese, garden fresh produce and cupcakes from an award-winning baker that is a longtime resident. 

Conversations allowed people to catch up on each other’s lives and reconnect.  Tales of new hobbies, travels and adventures were shared.

Community celebrates at small gathering in the fresh air

One woman shared that she had taken up cello lessons via Zoom with a musician in Spain.

An Army veteran had just returned late the prior night from a humanitarian effort to Ukraine. 

Children reported their excitement for a return to a ‘normal’ in-person school year with no masks, and no social distancing, the first such event since March 11, 2020.

Neighbors connect and discuss the issues of the day

Others rarely leave the neighborhood, some rarely, if ever, leave their homes.   Elderly neighbors became homebound due to the insistence of their families. 

Three gentlemen in their 60s and 70s had been treated for prostate or bladder cancers over the pandemic.

Some connections remained and have grown stronger.  Whatever the future holds, they tend to stick together and help each other in times of need. 

Container Gardening is for the Adventurous

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

Whether dreaming, awake or any other state of being- we are always conscious. For example, you can be conscious you are dreaming, conscious you are dead and in another realm of being.

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Soul as an Intelligent System

Your body is a temporary system containing many other supporting systems. Your immortal soul, you, the conscious you, that which tells you, you are you, is also a part of a greater system, a greater consciousness.

The Soul as an Intelligent System

When I was child, before I could articulate feelings into words and could only gurgle, laugh or cry, I had an experience that others have also spoken of as having.

The Soul as an Intelligent System

“The power or faculty attaining direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference-immediate apprehension or cognition -quick and ready insight.”

The Soul as an Intelligent System

“What a beautiful gift it would have been for all of us, if we hadn’t had our thinking done for us, mostly before we were born- If we therefore didn’t know what we are supposed to think, or to believe- If our minds had not been conditioned or caged but allowed to fly free as a bird.”

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

The essence of life, “gift of life”, impetus, is initiated by and from the Source through the Soul. This essence is within all and contains all.

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

Many “Creation” myths, when deciphered, beyond their archaic context and without viewing them literally but by viewing them intuitively. Speak of order emerging from chaos, in the form of a Conscious Higher Intelligence.