The Chemtrails in sky can’t be IGNORED. GEO-ENGINEERING exists and we should ask why?

  • The tyrannical power of world works all together and trying to alter the weather using the technologies like ”HAARP, CHEMTRAILS” etc.
  • On the name of geoengineering the world skies are being covered with chemtrails and fake clouds to dim the sun for a cooling effect.
  • Consequences for these weather modification operations are devastating and long-term effects are unknown.
  • On the threat of Climate change, these alterations are the real cause of drastic switch in temperatures and seasons which is also a reason of implementing carbon tax in many countries.

Every day, from dusk to dawn there are smokey lines of white materials stays in the sky and stop the sunlight to make a dark dingy cloudy day.

Also, there are wave patterns of cloud which covers the sky in the nighttime in the big cities where no one is able to see the clear sky most of the time.

This is not normal perhaps it is the alteration of the climate which they blame it ”CLIMATE CHANGE”.

Chemtrails yesterday in Toronto (Stratospheric aerosol injection)

Since the times of Vietnam war, there were many geoengineering operations which introduced as a war measure but unfortunately, they are still in use to control the daily directions of weather and ultimately our life.

Some of them are ”Solar radiation management, carbon dioxide removal, passive daytime radiative cooling (PDRC) etc.”. Supported and backed by the evil IPCC.

Cirrus cloud thinning (CCT) in Toronto

Stratospheric aerosol injection, in which we see the aircrafts releases white particles of deadly chemicals e.g., sulfur dioxide, aluminum etc. in the air which blocks the sunrays and is harmful for all the life on planet.

Cirrus cloud thinning (CCT) is a climate engineering operation in which they emit ice nucleating substances in the upper troposphere consisting of corrosive chemicals and the consequences are proven to be fatal.

In a nutshell, it is proven that the effects of these operations are irreversible and damaging biosphere in a permanent way whereas these actions are publicly forbidden by the government and agencies.

People need to wake up and get out the chains of ignorance.



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