The Cinco Banderas Collection – Pensacola, FL

  • The Cinco Banderas Collection was founded in 1988
  • Special annual art exhibit featured at The Artel Gallery in Pensacola, FL
  • Celebrating 34 years of supporting individual artists
Colorful Flier for the advertising of the event.

The Cinco Banderas Collection, founded in 1988 is the generous visionof the Kobacker Foundation.

The purpose through collaborative endowments is to support outstanding individual artists in Northwest Florida via a special annual exhibit at The Artel Gallery, Pensacola, FL.

The selected winner’s work is included into their permanent collection.  Background: The origins of the name “Cinco Banderas,“ is derived from Pensacola’s nickname, “City of Five Flags”

Celebrating the 34th year, now in progress, and curated by Joseph Smith who reviewed the 160 artist work submissions, distilled those applicants into the “Best of the Best” to 80 artists and now on view through November 18th.

‘Five Golden Nettle Jellyfish’

A talented artist named Helene Pappas was invited to participate with a multi-media collage: Five Golden Nettle Jellyfish.

This work is a unique creation of handmade papers, manipulated and gold foil marble papers on watercolor paper.

Helene has exhibited works in Los Angeles and the Florida Panhandle, she is known for my unique artistic paper and mixed media collages. 

Each work is “one-of-a-kind,” exhibiting distinctive expressions of color, dimensionality, and texture, while conveying movement, as Helen honors these distinctive exotic ancient sea creatures who reside in a dark locale.

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

Whether dreaming, awake or any other state of being- we are always conscious. For example, you can be conscious you are dreaming, conscious you are dead and in another realm of being.

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Soul as an Intelligent System

Your body is a temporary system containing many other supporting systems. Your immortal soul, you, the conscious you, that which tells you, you are you, is also a part of a greater system, a greater consciousness.

The Soul as an Intelligent System

When I was child, before I could articulate feelings into words and could only gurgle, laugh or cry, I had an experience that others have also spoken of as having.

The Soul as an Intelligent System

“The power or faculty attaining direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference-immediate apprehension or cognition -quick and ready insight.”

The Soul as an Intelligent System

“What a beautiful gift it would have been for all of us, if we hadn’t had our thinking done for us, mostly before we were born- If we therefore didn’t know what we are supposed to think, or to believe- If our minds had not been conditioned or caged but allowed to fly free as a bird.”

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

The essence of life, “gift of life”, impetus, is initiated by and from the Source through the Soul. This essence is within all and contains all.

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

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