- The atlas and axis are two small bones at the top of the spine.
- Our spinal cord is where the central nervous system resides and where every message between our brains and bodies are carried back and forth.
- The nerves are connected to every tissue and our bodies know what to do if they are healthy and connected properly in this complex system.
- A clear and aligned atlas is the key to the optimal expression of life.

Let me preface this by saying I’m not afraid to put my name on anything I’ve written or will write and why is that?
A pseudonym suggests I have something to hide (which I do not) and as we have learned from studying the Foundations of Systems™ that truth is an action, and we cannot act in truth without freedom, and we cannot seek truth without the health to do so.
I have been in the care of a chiropractor for about a month. He gave me a copy of a book which I cannot recommend highly enough entitled: Wake Up, Humans!: The Chiropractic Principle That Restores the Body’s Innate Healing Power, Transforms Lives, and Unlocks Human Purpose by Dr. Steve Judson.
Needless to say I devoured it in days and started re-reading it. The first chapter goes into what the two most important bones in the human body are that most people unfortunately are unaware of: the atlas and axis.
The atlas and axis are two small bones at the top of the spine, the first and second cervical vertebrae and their purpose is to protect the brainstem which is where the spinal cord and brain are connected.
Our spinal cord is where the central nervous system resides and where every message between our brains and bodies are carried back and forth.
The nerves are connected to every tissue and our bodies know what to do if they are healthy and connected properly in this complex system.
However, the opposite is true if the spinal cord is unhealthy and damaged.
If the messages carried by the spinal cord between the brainstem and nerves to the body tissues are blocked and/or interrupted that will cause communication issues and even loss which can lead to catastrophic failure of the entire body which is a system that functions or malfunctions depending on the quality of the connection.
This is why it is essential our atlas is clear because if it is not we’re not and we’re vulnerable to negative health consequences as a result.
Each part of the vertebrae or spine is separated by soft cartilage called discs that hold it together.
These discs also allow for spinal flexibility and movement however this also means these discs can become misaligned.
This can be due to a number of reasons: an injury or fall, a car accident or even sleeping wrong over a long period of time. These traumas are cumulative.
They may result in pain or not however if there is a misalignment of the discs or subluxations of the spine over the course of decades, they catch up with us.
The main takeaway from this chapter is that a clear and aligned atlas is the key to the optimal expression of life.
Misalignments in the vertebrae block this however a principled chiropractor can help train your spine and realign it so the innate intelligence and healing ability the body possesses can do what it was meant to do-literally support you-your skull, brain, every organ, central nervous system and immunity.
Please take a minute to think about it-is your atlas clear? If not, why not? Chiropractic is healthcare and it is a crucial modality that promotes Truth Freedom Health®.