The Child Within
When I was child, before I could articulate feelings into words and could only gurgle, laugh or cry, I had an experience that others have also spoken of as having.
Sat up in my pram, or perhaps on the grass, I can’t recall which, but do recall the feeling I experienced. Of gazing at wild spring flowers, the sun was shining, birds singing, people’s faces smiled at me, as people are apt to do when they see a new baby. People making unfamiliar sounds (words), pulling odd and often funny faces, I did not yet know the meaning of.
That day I felt this world was a wondrous place to be. I felt that everyone must feel this way. Have the same sense of joy and well being, a sense of belonging, a sense of being part of something magical, something great.
Each day seemed like a lifetime, for there were so many new things to experience. Life was like a wonderful waking dream. I knew of no rules, for non were needed, when everybody loved and cared for one another. That was my truth, what I believed in, what I still believe in, deep in my soul.
I promised myself to never forget. I like all children was innocent. Like all children, I had not yet been indoctrinated into the ways of the society I had been born into.
Little did I understand, that people wear “masks” to hide their true feelings, and spin words to hide their true intentions. Yet, I sensed from within, gut feelings, intuition, that discerned what was authentic and what was false. Things that as I grew older and more astute, I questioned or challenged. Things that I still question and challenge.
It is easy to point out the ills of this world, but a different matter to find and offer real solutions. It is easy to be a victim of indoctrination, to go along to get along. But it requires courage to speak out “uncomfortable” truths, ask “awkward” questions, offer “inconvenient” solutions.
It is easy to become isolated and step away from this world gone awry. Easy to just look after number one, rather than see oneself as part of the greater whole that is Humanity.
Easy to judge and point the finger at the faults of others, whilst ignoring one’s own. Easy to be triggered by what others say or do, that is not to our liking. Easy to become angry and bear resentment, and seek “justice”, revenge, and go to war against a perceived “enemy”.
Harder to look honestly at the enemy within. The child that grew to be a man, or woman. The one who has been indoctrinated from birth. The one that is taught to bow and doff one’s cap to one’s “betters”, to grovel on one’s knees to a man made Gods. To blame others, nature or a man made God, for all the evils of this world, rather than see it is the work of “Man”.
Better to have dignity and respect for who and what you are truly are, a soul part of a mighty Soul. An individual with your own unique purpose for being on Earth. Your own individual connection to a Soul of vast Intelligence. Unlike a soulless artificial intelligence, who’s controlling masters would have us live in a pretend artificial world, whilst the real natural world outside is being destroyed by ignorance and greed for profit, by tyrannical psychopaths and their sycophants. The ones who have a sickness of mind, a soullessness. Born of generational indoctrination, that trains them to think that one person is more important than other. That their life is of greater worth than the common people who they seek to control.
The only true revolution comes from within. A personal journey, an evolving of understanding born of curiosity, a relationship to one’s Creator. Not in a religious way but a natural way, via one’s own thoughts and feelings, ideas, one’s inner guiding compass, connected to Soul. The way to a true and lasting peace of mind.
What does a Human need in order to be content.
Healthy Food, Soil, Air, Water, Warmth, Shelter and most of all Companionship/Community.
The Freedom to express and explore one’s own ideas. Freedom to know the Truth for oneself and share with others who care to listen. Health of Body and Mind without the need of drugs, distractions, fake gurus and fake spiritual leaders.
You are your own way. When all are in accord with what they truly are in reality, then all will share a state of grace, true peace, harmony, curiosity, adventure, joy, love and caring. Just as the new born experiences before the world of indoctrination shackles their soul.
Together we can transform what is becoming a human wasteland, into a Paradise on Earth. It is up each and all, for no one other is coming to save us from our man made problems. Be your own leader or be led by fools. Use your own unique thoughts. Question all and find your own answers or be led by fools, in an ever downward spiralling track of desolation. Undo the learned helplessness, indoctrination of those who would wield power over you, dehumanise you, control and make profit from you for their own soulless selfish agendas. Show these elites who you truly are, and say No More, you have no power here. . .Be the Light that comes from within, the light you were born with.
To be continued. . .