Oblivion! No such thing- nowhere!
Dorothy Fosbrooke
Whether dreaming, awake or any other state of being- we are always conscious. For example, you can be conscious you are dreaming, conscious you are dead and in another realm of being.
Strip away the bodily senses and thought itself, what is left is consciousness. Being conscious of one’s consciousness is to be self aware. It is the primary sense, a sense of being.
The core of our being is consciousness. That part which observes, considers and selects thought. The part that chooses which thoughts to consider, follow through on or ignore. Thoughts being ideas, expressions of communication, the link to reality whilst on Earth.
We each understand in our own way, based upon our own individual experience of “Life”. Understanding gained by our own efforts can not be lost, but only built upon. Consciousness is the same principal. We can expand our own consciousness by being willing to learn.
We are not slaves or robots but beings with Free Choice.
Free Choice should not be confused with “Free Will”. For all are governed by Natural Universal Laws. Unlike trees or plants, that are governed by Higher Intelligence. Trees are not self conscious, they do not have any choice but to follow a pre-set pattern, a flexible “blue print” linked to changing environmental conditions. We however are conscious beings with Free Choice of which way to go, to fulfil our purpose for being on Earth, or not to.
Each individuals purpose for being on Earth differs, “All roads lead to Rome”, or rather lead one Home. Even going against one’s purpose eventually leads to “Home”. For every choice bears the consequences of that choice. We all innately know “right” from “wrong”. How long it takes each to evolve in understanding is dependent on the individual. You have Eternity to learn. Though a “wrong” path= a harsher journey, the “right” path holds comfort of mind. You may think those of uncaring ways get away scot-free, but that is not so. All must eventually answer to their Soul.
Many today are “Paying back” for their misdeeds in both the present and past lifetimes. Not as a form of punishment as in the religious way of “Hell”. But a fresh chance to learn- that when you harm another in any way, you also harm your own Soul. Religion’s stories of “Hell” are put about only to spread fear. Fear of the consequences of not following the rules of a corrupt top down system of control.
Buddhism speaks of escaping the cycle of “Karma”. The raising or expanding of consciousness depends upon seeking understanding over revenge. Also when things go “wrong”, not to our liking, it is important to see our own part in the situation coming about, rather than place all the blame onto others. Honesty is more important than truth in this respect. For the truth is never set in stone. One day the sky is blue, then grey. One day the sky is full of clouds, another day it is clear. But the sky still remains the sky.
On a deeper level, what then is the sky. There are substances in the layers of the atmosphere surrounding Earth that are beyond Human scan. Scientific instruments such as microscopes and telescopes can never capture the fullness of all that is. For how small is small, how large is large. But one thing is for sure, the nine elements which make up an Intelligent System, apply to the whole, the Universe and beyond. In understanding anything as a system, so too we come to realise all is part of of greater interconnected system. In understanding our individual consciousness, so too we realise that our consciousness is part of greater interconnected consciousness.