The Soul as an Intelligent System

“The Marriage of Psyche and Eros” by Michael John Griffiths

Thought and Free Choice

As a child I asked the question “What if there was nothing at all”

From a “Systems Science” approach- There is a solution for every problem and an answer for every question even if the answer is “I do not know”

However, “I do not know” does not satisfy a child’s curiosity.

I was later told “Nothing in a way truly exists” and what follows is part of my understanding of that statement.

Of course, life exists- as such there has to be an initial input of power/energy for life to come about.

Power/energy is required for movement, movement denotes life.

Ripples do not just appear on still water without there being a cause.

All things must have a beginning, a source, a cause, an input.

No movement can occur without an input, an impetus- be it a Human body or the body (Container) that is a Universe.

Before life came to be, nothing existed.

But what is nothing. Nothing is a form of chaos. Nothing is matter/substance that has yet to be given structure- by way of power guided by intelligence.

This Universe is permeated by a Higher Intelligence that has created countless systems, forms/bodies, containers, ways of being- all within the substance which it the Universe contains.

It is important to understand you are not just the body. That you are a soul inhabiting a temporary body to fulfil a specific purpose on Earth.

It is also important to understand that all things within the Universe have a purpose, a goal. You as an individual have your own unique purpose for being on Earth.

Thought is your link to reality- your link to soul- your connection to Higher Intelligence.

Thought contains both power and intelligence- How you choose to use your own thoughts is your Free Choice- whether that be towards your purpose or against your purpose- Non are forced to comply- your soul cares for you to understand in your own way at your own pace- it is not a slave master but a constant guiding influence, in fact your best friend- It is your own guiding voice inside that the noisy world of distractions all too often drowns out.

A bully uses a low form of intelligence and relies on physical power and intimidation to put their way on others. Tyrants seeking power over others will often use the way of manipulation to get others to do their violence and dirty work for them- as is the way of War Mongers and Empire builders.

Those seeking true understanding, observe and use their own original thoughts- their finer feelings- to fulfil their own unique purpose for being on Earth but without encroaching on another’s Free Choice and without enslaving themselves or others to unproven theories, rules and assumptions.

The way of this world is fraught with indoctrination that is passed down through the generations and put upon the newborn “from the cradle to the grave”. In a world so obviously awry and at odds with itself- Now is the time to question everything for ourselves.

You have a constant companion- your own soul- your Higher Intelligence to guide you and all have you to do is be calm and listen- explore your doubts and pay attention to those niggling feelings- they are there for a reason.

If you want proof, you are an immortal soul connected via thought to the Higher Intelligence that permeates this Universe- then put it to the test- Use it, think for yourself and shake off the shackles of indoctrination- Be Free to be who you truly are in Soul. Not a miserable sinner that some agent of a false god claims you are- not an indentured serf to some lord or master- Not a parrot of others’ ideas- You will find your own examples- your own proof in real life- Be who you truly are- the glorious being your Soul intends you to be.

To be continued. . .

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The Soul as an Intelligent System

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