Imagine flying to a beautiful paradise island. Picture yourself there, soaking up the sun. A warm breeze caresses your body, as you gaze out upon a turquoise ocean under a blue cloudless sky. Dancing sunlight, sparkling on the water’s surface, like ten thousand reflected stars. The gentle waves lapping at your feet. This is the life.
But before put on sunscreen and order that Martini- Stop!. Unless you put your imagination, your ideas, your thoughts into action you will remain staring into space, surrounded by noisy traffic, in the same dirty old town.
Feelings, Imagination and ideas are all forms of thought.
Your thoughts are for your consideration to act upon or reject e.g.-
“The World is going to hell in a hand basket and no one gives a F**k, so why should I.”
“The world is facing so many self-made problems. It’s time to start finding real solutions”
It’s not the time to sit around philosophising, when a storm is brewing and the harvest needs bringing in.
Power Profit and Control
The elites use the science of “Intelligent” Systems-their Goal is to render you a “Dumb” System with predictable outcomes, a system they can easily control whilst reaping in profits for self- and it is you who pays the price. It is called “Social Engineering” i.e. brainwashing/indoctrination.
But they, the elites can not be considered as truly intelligent.
Clever and devious perhaps but not truly intelligent from Soul’s perspective. For they lack a deeper understanding of what all is about. Using reductionism they deny real science, and as such deny the code Soul.
“Nature Never gave any the right to command their fellow Human Beings”
Denis Diderot- 1700s
Religion is the enemy of freedom of thought.
Religion is based upon the rules of a top down hierarchy, that indoctrinates it’s followers to believe, that only they, the priestly caste can access and intercede on your behalf, with your Creator.
Whether Christ said it or not, “The Kingdom of Heaven is Within” blows apart the lies of the corrupt “Temple”. It speaks a truth, that all have the same access to their Creator. All have their own personal link to “God”.
All are self sovereign and require no other to intercede on their behalf. All have their own inner guiding voice, inner compass. Your Soul is the only guide you require in order to fulfil your own unique purpose for being born on Earth.
What is Power- All have power within them. How that power is used defines your evolvement as a being of Soul. Those who wield power over others for their own agenda, their own gain, go against the code of Soul. Caring for who you truly are and all fellow beings is true Intelligence, is to be empowered.
Just as a car will fail to move if it has no petrol or electricity input. And will end up a wreck if used by a careless and unintelligent driver.
So too Power without true intelligence is destructive. If you do not care for your soul and others, you are on a destructive path.
Your thoughts contain both intelligence and power. Thought is the most refined substance on Earth. Electricity and other forms of man made energy are crude by comparison.
Profit-“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” Mark.
Nature, the nature of Soul is generous and abundant if treated with respect. All life contains the seeds of it’s own continuance. Take an apple, it contains many seeds- unless genetically interfered with. How many potential apple trees are contained within those seeds. How many future, potential apples are contained within each apple upon those trees.
We take so much for granted until it is lost, then cry out forsome god or politician to save us, when it is we, the choices and actions we have taken that have led to our problems.
Wake Up- Non are coming to save us, we Humanity must save ourselves from ourselves. We must face the truth, no matter how distasteful it may be. No use whispering sweet nothings to someone who’s buried their head in the sand, as the tide is rushing in.
Choose or be led.
When you fail to use your own original thoughts, you give your power over to those who would mislead you, those who have no care of you, those who would fool you- no matter how clever their lies, their social engineering. They “care” only forhow they can “profit” from your compliance, your enslavement. How they can wield their corrupt power over you.
You control you, all others are usurpers or crafty underminers, as is obvious when you understand “The Not So Obvious Establishment”.
For example the Dalai Lama, encourageddangerous experimental vaccines, whilst wearing a pious mask and the aura of “spirituality”. Who is this fake, this useful idiot of the Not So Obvious Establishment.
Do you really believe he is the incarnation of an enlightened soul. He is no different to those who claim to be divinely appointed by some god or other, all arefakes. All his empty “wise” words are used to quell the rebellious Soul.The rebels who are are sick of the establishment’s bullshit andwhochoose to fight for Truth Freedom Health.
If you only view the affects and treat symptoms, you will never cure the underlying cause. Finding and removing the cause eliminates the symptoms.
Freedom of thought leads to Truth, leads to Health of body, mind and soul.
Respect to Dr Shiva for sharing real science, with all who are prepared to listen with an open mind.
We are the “Disturbance”, the spanner in the works, of the elite’s outdated system, of top down power, profit and control. A system that has held all captive for far too long. Now we have the tools to dismantle the psychopaths machinery and build something better for all, something the world is waiting for.
The choice is yours to make. You can accept the world the way it is or help build a better one, not for just a few but for all. Who knows what new horizons may come into view- Perhaps a Paradise on Earth.
To be continued. . .