“What name shall I give you, when you are all names. Where will I find you, when you are everywhere”
Thoth- Egyptian Scribe
The essence of life, “gift of life”, impetus, is initiated by and from the Source through the Soul. This essence is within all and contains all. The nature of Essence used for the benefit of all has the quality of expansion, whilst essence used selfishly diminishes. How you use your essence, your gift, is your Free Choice.
When we view this Universe through our body’s senses or via scientific instruments, our view is limited because our senses are intentionally limited to what we Need to know not what we want to know. This limitation is so we can focus on fulfilling our individual purpose for being on Earth. The purpose being evolving our understanding, gaining wisdom of how to interact with the substances we encounter, be it thought, a plant and especially situations with other fellow beings.
Thought directs our focus, to listen, to look, to touch etc. To hear, see and feel what our own Higher Intelligence is guiding us to observe, consider, learn and understand.
All have equal access to Higher Intelligence, The choice to use it or not, is every individual’s.
But you are not just your thoughts, you are the controller, the sensor of thoughts that are presented to you. The real you is consciousness, the “essence” that tells you. you are you, an eternal being inhabiting a temporary body- The body being a vehicle, thought being the fuel, you being the driver on what should be a fascinating and enjoyable journey of discovery.
When we view the Universe through our senses or scientific instruments we are viewing the body/container of the Soul
When we view another Human Being, animal, bird etc. we are also viewing the temporary container of a soul part.
Plants etc. though alive are not conscious beings. They are governed by intelligence and programmed to respond to environmental conditions. Unlike Human Beings they do not have free choice.
Sensing / Finer Feelings
Have you had the thought of someone, perhaps a friend or family member, then they turn up at your door, or you “bump into them” whilst out and about, or perhaps they phone you. Have you ever contacted a friend and they say “I was just thinking about you”. Some put this down to telepathy but there is another explanation.
The Soul has a vantage point, an overview of all it contains i.e. you and all other soul parts. As such it arranges all and gives each the thoughts they require on an individual basis. Being sensitive to your own thoughts/feelings can inform you of occurrences, events, how another is feeling, without them being physically present.
Animals such as dogs have a keen way of sensing. We call it instinct, but in reality it is a direct link with their own intelligence. They do not sit and ponder or philosophise- they just are and “instinctively” act upon their thoughts.
The more Humanity has come to rely on technology, and especially the more Humanity has chosen base emotions over “finer feelings”, the more this gift of “sensing” has diminished. But it it is still there if you care to use it, to test it out, to find your own proof of what I speak about.
The Source, Soul- You a soul part- from a Systems Science perspective:-
Goal / Purpose
The refinement of everything everywhere- Intelligent expansion, growth “Filling he void”, “Moulding the lifeless clay” with the way of Soul.
Controller / Soul / Soul Part
Source via Evolved Soul/Universe via soul part (You) by way of thought with Free Choice.
Source/Essence- Power/Energy guided by Higher Intelligence (Soul) to soul part (You) via thought with Free Choice towards your Soul’s individual purpose/goal or against your Soul’s purpose (selfish goal)- Base Emotion/Lower Intelligence vs Inspiration/Higher Intelligence
Transport / Freedom
Thought/imagination/ideas/finer feelings put into action- “walking your talk”, being creative, experimenting.
Conversion / Truth
Refinement of substance/matter into various intelligent ways/forms, each having a purpose related to the whole.
Container/Storage / Health
The Universe and all it contains within the Source which contains All in a constant way of refinement and harmony.
Refined substance/energy/power created by soul parts and linking through interconnected Universes/Souls back to Source, The Core, where it is further refined and Essence is added to create New Souls/Universes which then divide up their allotted essence to create New Soul Parts.
Unrefined/unworked upon substance/matter- lack of Soul Purpose- (Power Profit Control) Indoctrination.
Link to Higher Intelligence, subtle finer feelings, ones inner guiding compass / inner voice, Intuition.
Adjustment/refining of Input towards Goal/Purpose.
The Earth may be small in the bigger picture that is the Universe and Human Beings almost like pin pricks upon its surface- But as in all Intelligent Systems design, small things/details matter and can have a massive impact on the whole. Size means nothing to Soul.