Be afraid. Be very afraid. Bad “GERMS” are lurking everywhere now. If you thought your clothes were safe… think again! The great corporate benevolent self-declared public health protectors have now unilaterally deemed that you should be afraid of your laundry, and luckily, they have the singular solution: antiseptics in the laundry detergent.

Lysol suggest you should now buy their ‘antiseptic’ laundry detergent to protect from ‘bad germs’ like E-coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella. Faulty reductionist logic and irrational, shameful fear sell.
- Lysol uses reductionist logic and an instinctive fear sell to get you to buy their new ‘antiseptic added’ laundry soap.
- Many systemic factors affect both quantities of potentially harmful bacteria in laundry (which have nothing to do with adding antiseptics to the soap)
- The immune response is systemic. So called pathogenic bacteria actually are vital commensal factors in a robust immune response, sometimes called ‘natural immunity’.
- Elevated cases of RSV and other pneumonias prevalent now are attributable to other systemic factors, not dirty laundry.
“Lysol Laundry Sanitizer Kills 99.9% of Bacteria Detergents Leave Behind” !!! (Lysol’s new ad campaign)
Reductionism: You should be afraid of X and the only solution to X is what I am selling you and what I control.
By now you should have developed or re-learned your basic common sense and intuition in these matters. If someone is selling you a reductionist message, (rather than a systems approach and scientific method), identifying a presumed singular cause of, in this case illness and the singular solution, in this case adding their disinfectant to laundry, you are being lied to and manipulated. It’s time to stop falling for it every single time.
Who owns Lysol anyway? , A brand whos’ sales surged into the billions during the plandemic. Takes a little digging but Lysol is owned by Bayer, yes the aspirin and agent orange people who also own Monsanto, scumbag global toxic mafia who poisoned the world via ‘round up’ treated seeds in canola, the oil of which forms a ‘natural preservative’ and base for so many foods.
So naturally our safety is their chief concern. Lysol is distributed by Reckitt Benckiser, a subsidiary of Bayer. They have been in trouble before regarding false safety claims surrounding one of their opioid-addiction drug Suboxone. Clearly, they have a track record of putting ‘people first’.

Lysol is actual now owned by Bayer, and distributed by Reckitt Benckiser, previously sued for false safety claims regarding their opiod addiction drug Suboxone.
First of all whenever someone uses the word ‘germs’ that’s a red flag right there that the person knows nothing about the immune system, nothing about the microbiota either in the body or in the environment. It is a gross over-simplification and reductionism from the get go and stems way back to the days of Louis Pasteur,(1822-1895) and his rival Antoine Bechamp (1816 to 1908)
Pasteur had political connections and industry connections and his ‘germ theory’, one of the founding principles of the entire pharmaceutical industry which killed natural and holistic medicine in the early 1900s. Meanwhile it was Bechamp who proposed more of a ‘terrain’ explanation for infection and disease, and his message was suppressed.

Louis Pasteur founder of ‘germ theory’, close connections to business and government. Germ Theory ultimately fueled the entire pharma industry and helped destroy natural and holistic medicine.
Not to spend too much time here, but it is relevant information that people should know. Here’s a superb quote and explanation of this background from Merinda Teller.
“Pasteur’s promotion of germ theory (a flawed notion that he did not so much “discover” as repackage) has remained “dear to pharmaceutical company executives’ hearts” up to the present day, having laid the groundwork for “synthetic drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, surgical removal of body parts and vaccines” to become the “medicine[s] of choice.” The unshakeable belief that there is one microbe for every illness is so ingrained as the “controlling medical idea for the Western world” that competing ideas about disease causation still have difficulty gaining traction.”

Germ Theory. Microorganisms are the singular cause of disease, and each disease may be traced to a microorganism. Reductionist nonsense.
In essence Bechamp viewed the body as a set of systems or ‘eternal ecosystems.’ To again call upon Merinda Teller:
“When an individual’s internal ecosystem becomes weakened—whether due to poor nutrition, toxicity or other factors—it changes the function of the microbes that are naturally present in the body, producing disease. In other words, microorganisms only become pathogenic after environmental factors cause the host’s cellular “terrain” to deteriorate.”
But in the context of the present Lysol disinformation campaign we are really looking at two systems and their interactions. One is the ‘laundry system’ and the other of course is the personal immune system (which is of course not mentioned in the campaign. Rather you are just blindsided with the message germs are bad, they hurt you, especially ’these’ ones, (they list three) and our product will kill 99.9% of them. We will make you safe.)
Claim/Question one; are there in fact ‘germs’. (let’s call them ‘potentially pathogenic bacteria and other micro-organisms’) in our laundry. If so, what systemic inputs or relationships contribute to having these bugs on clean clothes. And if there are bad bugs in the laundry, what other system inputs and relationships, could modify the presence and number of said potential laundry pathogens?

should we fear laundry pathogens now? Lysol thinks you should, and they have the singular solution. Their detergent.
Have I already lost you? Lysol is certainly hoping you don’t make it even this far. (questioning a reductionist ‘define problem-create solution’ model.)
Do you think that perhaps Lysol is aware that more and more people are getting sick in this world? Are they trying to distract you from the fact that millions of people basically trashed their own immune system with a dangerous bioweapon vaccine? Are they taking advantage of the reduced systemic immune response and sickness among vast swaths of the brainwashed and obedient slave population with yet another reductionist fear-sell? ‘ Ah, you are sick now. Don’t look over there.. look here. It’s the clothes! Your clothes are giving you pneumonia now.’
Claim/Question 2. Are E -coli, Staphylococcus aureus & Klebsiella pneumoniae, (the three they highlight in their ad) in fact deadly ‘bad germ’ bugs that must be killed off?
Fact is, human beings ‘living’ (remember that, do you remember life?) in an environment are interacting with millions and millions of bacteria of thousands of different genera 100% per cent of the time all day long.
Unless you wish to live in a plastic bubble, or better yet a plastic bubble hooked up to an AI controlled meta virtual reality system, living on planet earth means you will interact with bacteria, fungi, parasites, all day long. (and I won’t say viruses because I personally feel a virus is a cellular reaction to an environmental toxin or radiation, and do not ‘exist’ per se.)
Fun Fact: The human body contains trillions of microorganisms, outnumbering human cells in the body by 10 to 1. In the references you can find a great article summarizing this fact from none other than the National Institutes of Health document (NIH is/was run by overlords Fauci and Collins and even here in their own domain this information is free demonstrated and easily accessed.)

The human being interacts with millions of bacteria all day long. Micro-organisms outnumber human cells in the body by 10 to 1
They told you that you needed an experimental mRNA vaccine to prime the immune system with spike protein/antibody response to ‘protect’ you. But you had this all along, it is called natural immunity via exposure to pathogens in commensal systemic relationships, proven superior BEFORE AND DURING the plandemic.
Now you’ve got most of the population in a chronic, possibly permanent immune deficient and auto-immune inflammatory condition because we were ignorant and cowardly, coerced against our will, or listened to our so- called doctors/drug pushers/criminals.

Idiotic and cowardly white coat doctors told you to get vaccinated when all along natural immunity was present and proved to be the stronger immune response.
I have three former friends who took the jab just so they could fly to Mexico unhindered. Brilliant logic. They quietly kicked me out of the blues band we were in because I was unvaccinated and they were afraid of me… complete f-tards, good riddance I’m sorry. I run with the wolves now, not the sheep.

Are you still a sheep or are you ready to run with the wolves? Stop listening and obeying idiotic pseudo-medical nonsense. Initiate your own research validation practice, take the systemic view, and rediscover common sense.
Fun Fact: these microorganisms, including E-coli, Staph A, and Klebsiella play a commensal role in the body. (Commensal basically means a mutually beneficial relationship either to each other, or to the host)
We could not digest foods and extract certain minerals and nutrients without the presence of huge variety of bacteria in our gut/digestive tracts, including small amounts of these pathogenic bacteria. Commensal pathogenic bacteria are also essential for ‘pre-arming’ a robust immune response.

E- coli bacteria. Commensal in the right places and in the right quantities.
Let’s have a quick look at E-coli. One article reads,
“E. coli is a minority member of the gut microbiome, but a very important one. Unlike many microbes in the gut, E. coli can grow in the presence of oxygen, which is toxic to many other microbes in our gut microbiome. As the E. coli consume oxygen from the gut, they help establish a welcoming habitat for the other microorganisms of our microbiome. “ Our bodies have become acclimated to and even depend on the E. coli that naturally reside in our gut, but if they grow elsewhere they can cause problems.”
What about Klebsiella, another nasty ‘bad laundry germ’ that Lysol says you need to kill off. This is even from Wikipedia.
“Klebsiella species are found everywhere in nature. This is thought to be due to distinct sublineages developing specific niche adaptations, with associated biochemical adaptations which make them better suited to a particular environment. They can be found in water, soil, plants, insects and other animals including humans.”
They are ‘everywhere’ in other words and our body has co-evolved with them.
The main point to be made here is that the human immune system is made stronger by interacting with microorganisms in the environment, not by trying to create various filters and barriers to ‘protect’ you from them, and certainly not by proclaiming the environment to be unsafe, requiring sterilization of everything.
The three bacteria listed by Lysol as ‘dangerous-kill now’ are actually commensal bacteria. This means they ‘prime’ the immune system. They are present in just the right amount to solicit a more or less permanent protection/compensation response from other ‘pro’ bacteria, and the various immune cells and systems. This is the basis of natural immunity; exposure to pathogens and living with pathogens in the right quantities and in the right places. (a system of components and relationships)
What about Staphylococcus aureus? In reality Staphylococcus is a very common and somewhat necessary commensal bacteria, particularly in the deeper skin tissues and in the nasal cavity.
One article states, “ S. aureus colonizes the nares of approximately 30% of the human population. …. Competition for epithelial attachment sites or limited nutrients, different susceptibilities to host defence molecules and the production of antimicrobial molecules may determine whether nasal bacteria out compete each other. “
The translation here is that the other bacteria and immune response factors are ‘primed’ to repel Staphylococcus because it was present in a small amount which solicited a strengthened immune response.
I’m hoping you are starting to understand how this works. The nasal cavity immune response is itself a mini system with relationships and feedback mechanisms. It is designed to handle it and grows more resilient by handling it.
I want to talk about this for a moment because it is relevant to the insane, obsessive, and harmful practice by schools of making kids sterilize their hands with chemical hand sanitizers 30 times a day (every time they enter or exit a classroom) That was about 200x a week.

Repeated use of hand sanitizers impacts the commensal bacteria and alters the delicate pH and terrain balance in the skin, reducing the skins immune defence significantly
There is a delicate balance (again, a systemic relationship) in the skin anatomy, just above the adipose (fat tissue) in the hypodermis and subcutaneous layers of the skin, just below where the hair bulb originates and the sebaceous (sweat) glands are located. The skin itself is a fascinating and complex immune system all on its own, which somehow simultaneously protects, absorbs, and excretes.
At the core of this are, you guessed it, commensal bacteria, and in fact we often find Staphylococcus aureus right at the boundary level of the adipose tissue.
All of the layers or the skin tissue require just the right mount of moisture, just the right amount of acidity/alkalinity (pH) and just the right amount of oily/waxiness, for just the right amount of helpful commensal bacteria, to reside. These commensal bacteria, as you know by now, prime the immune response to keep the potentially harmful pathogens from over-accumulating.
When you sterilize the skin with over 200 doses of bleach, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, or whatever the hell else is in hand sanitizer, you ruin this delicately balanced relationship ( an internal ecosystem or ‘terrain’ as Beuchamp would say) and weaken the immune system. Please reread that last sentence about three times.
Don’t take my word for this though. Perhaps I am blowing fairy smoke. Let’s practice.
What did I just say, what did I just claim? Find some keywords and research for yourself, perhaps thusly. “commensal staphylococcus adipose pubmed “
What do you find? Read the abstract, read the conclusions in the abstract. Perhaps 5 minutes either reinforces or disputes what I just said. Is it worth it to you, or would you rather just be told what to think, even by me? Prove me wrong. You may find conflicting evidence here, which is fair. I suggest that contrary conclusions fail to view systemic factors such as the status (rancid or inflammatory) nature of the oils in the adipose tissue, or an overall suppressed or chronically strained immune system. (Herbal tip, clean organic omega 3 oils, especially the fish oils, can really help re-tone this adipose tissue layer)

salmon oils rich in omega 3 can help tonify the adipose tissue and subcutaneous skin terrain, helping maintain an ideal balance of commensal bacteria, strengthening our natural systemic immune response.
If you really want to learn 10x more than your white coat doctor about the immune system in two hours, you MUST watch Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’s videos. Our human immune response SYSTEM involves at least 5 major areas or subsystems and interacting with each other. The innate immune system, the adaptive immune system, the interferon system, the neural system, and.. possibly most important, the gut microbiome ( hard wired to the brain-neurological system.. most people don’t realize that). The reductionist notion that the way to ‘protect people from getting sick’ is to kill bugs in the external environment, like your laundry, is beyond stupid.
But, due diligence. Let’s see if in fact there is a relationship or set of relationships (a system) between clothes and the presence of potentially harmful bacteria.
It takes about 6 minutes of very basic independent research to not only completely destroy any argument the Lysol people may have had regarding the proposed laundry-pneumonia connection, and doing so should make you feel angry and offended.
But what research can you trust? This is a very important question and I don’t have a definitive answer. For example when you research say, the pseudo-medicinal efficacy of herbs and herb compounds.. google will automatically seed the top 10-15 results with insider owned/fake ‘med-looking’ websites like healthline, webmd, medicalnews today, medline, etc,.. which all at first appear to be very generous and objective regarding said compounds but invariably conclude or suggest that ‘there is no conclusive evidence as to the efficacy of these herbal claims’ and you really need to seek proper medical advice from established medical system ( who will sell you drugs instead).
Having said that, ‘pubmed’ is still pretty decent ( with NOTABLE exceptions- see Shiva’s report on the completely bogus claims about Alzheimers drugs, that the peer review medical articles on pub med went along with for 15 years but were patently false. Other scientists continued to cite and support these findings because they risked losing their funding from the above mentioned Fauci and Collins, who control medical research funding, and hence, the narrative)
So lets do some more independent research. Type in “ laundry pathogenic factors pubmed” and see what you get. Do it! Think for yourself, research for yourself. Stop listening to idiot media messages and take sovereignty of your health knowledge.
The big pharma/med/gov/tech/media engine (google owns pharma companies in case you didn’t know that) want you to think that you are not smart enough or qualified enough to understand anything health related. Activate right now and change that. Type in what I said. ‘ laundry pathogenic factors pubmed”. ( or come up with your own similar string)
Another tip; these articles have an ‘abstract’ and/or typically a front introductory section. Let your eyes scan for these keywords; “Summary” “Results and discussion” , “Conclusions”. Again, these scientific articles are supposed to suggest a hypothesis and then use the scientific method to conclude whether their hypothesis is correct, and if not, what they learned from the process to set up the next experiment. To ‘get the goods’ quickly from a pub med article look for the conclusion either in the abstract or in the first couple introductory paragraphs.
Make this a habit. Anytime someone or some agency makes some kind of reductionist conclusion about your health and tries to sell you a product or limit your freedom to ‘fix it’ you must use this technique to research and inform yourself on the validity of those claims.
Anything health related is systemic in nature and the conclusions and methodologies must take or at least acknowledge a systemic (multi factor, multi relationship, and personalized) view and follow the scientific method. It is your duty to do this now and encourage others to do this. I’m going to highlight just a few of the things I discovered this way, in about 15 minutes or less. Ok what do we find? Yes.. there may in fact be potentially pathogenic bacteria in laundry, and there are a huge variety of system inputs that could influence that.

pathogens in laundry may possibly arise through many different systemic variables. Adding antiseptics to laundry detergents is an idiotic notion in light of all of these potential contributing factors, most of which occur ‘post wash’.
Some of the systemic factors are, fabric composition, storage conditions, where on the body the garment is worn, the season, storage of the garment ( moisture in the hamper) thickness of fabrics, detergents and additives ( fair) length and conditions of drying time, type of washing machine, and lets not forget the condition of the water. ( In many places people need to use contaminated stream or pool/lake water for laundry)
Among all inputs/variables considered, far and away the most significant one was the temperature of the water. If the water is between 40 and 60 degrees Celsius, most pathogenic bacteria are inactivated. ( if water is hot, you don’t need to add insecticides to the water)
Let’s just look at this again. The Lysol folks do not direct you to consider any of these other system factors which might affect the presence of pathogenic bacteria in laundry. Again, reductionism. Pay attention to this singular input only. Nonsense.
Another article first suggests a conclusion which supports the fear narrative, reporting that some bacteria can live on textiles for 90 days or more. But it also says that tested textiles had very low levels of bacteria overall, and most which lived less than 3 days. The main factors effecting longevity include higher humidity, and temperature… but specifically NOT room temperature, rather elevated (higher 30 degrees Celcius) temperature.
Another key finding in the published research is that hand hygiene implemented at critical control points in the laundering process was the most significant driver of infection prevention, additionally reducing infection risks by up to 6 log10. Do you understand what 6 log 10 means? (This seems to be some kind of preferred standard for talking about pathogens and bacteria as we are dealing with massive quantities of organisms)
It is unwashed hands touching the fabric/laundry post wash which deposits and redeposits bacteria. It’s not laundry. I’m not a math person but log is basically the inverse of exponents. So the conclusion that hand washing alone between the ‘handling’ of laundry reduces laundry pathogens by log 6? Lets say you had 2 E-coli bugs in your clean underwear. The factor here is 6… so by NOT washing hands between the handling of clean laundry, instead of 2 e coli bugs, you may have 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 e-coli bugs , or 64 e-coli bugs.
That is not to say you have dangerous levels of bugs, it means instead of 2, there are 64, because of multiple handling of clean laundry without washing hands. So by washing hands between handling the laundry after it is clean, you reduce the pathogen load from 64 E-coli, to 2 E-coli.
Lysol does not want you to be aware of this particular system input (hand washing during handling post wash) By the way, the main concern in these studies is not illness, but actually foul odor. Musty smelly laundry, perhaps some skin irritation. Long stretch to equate this to risk of pneumonia.
But what about drying the clothes? Don’t most people dry their clothes somehow or is it common practice to leave clean laundry wet the basket in 30 degrees heat and humidity in the dark for several days?
There is this crazy device, perhaps you’ve heard of it. A dryer. There is an even more effective device, and older secret sterilization device known only to a select few occult sects. It is called ‘the clothesline’.

Clothes line. Apparently high temperatures and sunlight (UV and IR) inactivates pathogens. Wouldn’t proper drying of clothes be smarter than adding antiseptics to the wash? Oh right, clothes lines are against bylaws in many cities and towns. Too messy
Crazy idea but perhaps heat and sunshine can limit bacterial growth or even inactivate them? It’s obvious common sense here but due diligence let’s see what the science says.
What about UV light/radiation? Does UV light kill pathogens? Let’s see if we can find some legitimate studies to confirm or deny this? Let’s be mindful of whether this study is in an isolated petri dish experiment with all other variables excluded (in vitro) or whether it involve a complex biological system, such as a human (in vivo)
I typed “UV light kills pathogens pubmed”
So we ignore anything that says webmed or medline or healthline or medicalnews today, as they are big pharma narrative controlled, and I am personally very dubious of certain hospital studies (John Hopkins comes to mind), though others are not.
Also ignore any study that is pushing a particular proprietary product or method. Based on what I found through a number of pubmed studies, I feel there is validity to this claim. So, apparently sunlight aka UV light hitting clothes on clothes lines lines can help kill ‘laundry germs’.
Let’s try infrared light, which is of course also called ‘heat’. Type in “IR light kills pathogens pubmed” or similar.
There is all kinds of support here for IR radiation killing pathogens. My take on it is that it is the ability of different wavelengths of IR light to penetrate deeper into the skin, and heating those deeper layers ( and we have seen that anything between 40 deg C and 60 deg C is enough to kill most pathogens, via heat alone…like in a common sense hot water laundry load) . Presumably IR can penetrate deeper into the fabric as well.
So the mini conclusion here is that, in fact, if you hang your clothes in the sun you will also kill ‘bad germs’ in the laundry, for free, without having to add super sterilizing Lysol to the laundry.
Our mayor just got back from saving the planet from deadly carbon emissions (note/reminder- plants thrive on carbon) by flying to the Cairo climate conference. I mention it become in my city and many small municipalities in our province local laws actually prohibit people from drying their laundry outside on clothes lines, citing ‘unsightliness’.

Our mayor just got back from flying to the Cairo climate conference, but won’t allow clothes lines. (which use no energy at all aside from free solar energy)
The other day I showed some students a music documentary from Cuba and they were amazed by the clothes lines everywhere, across every lane from every apartment balcony. This uses Zero power and kills any residual bacteria via sunlight (it would seem both IR and UV play a role) the heat, and simply the evaporation of the moisture ( most bacteria thrive in a moist environment)
But no we can’t do this. Looks bad to the elites as they drive past your place in their electric hummer on their way to fly to the climate conference to learn about carbon footprints and energy expenditure reductions. Are you starting to make some connections here?
Another fair point in another article, “ The use of additives (enzymes) and bleach (chlorine and activated oxygen) becomes essential in washes with temperatures below 20°C,”
Fair, so if you are washing the clothes in cold water, with contaminated water, and the clothes were say soiled underwear, and you let them sit in a hamper for several days, undried or partially undried, in a higher than room temperature, dark, and humid environment, and then you never washed your hands when you handled the laundry, then yes, possibly, you MAY have an above average number of so -called pathogenic bacteria in your laundry. (but mostly your laundry will smell bad)
Does this equate to ‘you need to add Lysol to your wash to keep from getting respiratory infection which everyone randomly seems to be suffering from right now (lowered immunity, vax damage, chemtrails –( another article pending)? No it does not.
And you should be insulted and angered by this ad campaign, and moreover at all the media and government and employment scumbags who contributed to lowering your immunity and polarized you into braindead reductionist logic in defiance of common sense and independent sovereign thought.
Further Reading
Laundry Hygiene and Odor Control: State of the Science
Justice Department Obtains $1.4 Billion from Reckitt Benckiser Group in Largest Recovery in a Case Concerning an Opioid Drug in United States History
Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day by Merinda Teller, MPH PHD.
Human Microbiome Project defines normal bacterial makeup of the body
FAQ: E. Coli: Good, Bad, & Deadly
The commensal lifestyle of Staphylococcus aureus and its interactions with the nasal microbiota
Escherichia coli as Commensal and Pathogenic Bacteria Among Food-Producing Animals: Health Implications of Extended Spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) Production
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Beyond Antibodies: A Systems View of Immunity. CytoSolve Systems Biology Analysis.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: BREAKING – HOW Alzheimer’s #FakeScience ACADEMIC MAFIA Stole Billions. They MUST Pay.
Google is Now a Pharmaceutical Company
Commensal bacteria (normal microflora), mucosal immunity and chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
How long can nosocomial pathogens survive on textiles? A systematic review
Laundry Hygiene and Odor Control: State of the Science
Quantifying pathogen infection risks from household laundry practices
Fast Company accidentally admits that plants thrive on carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that liberals claim will destroy the world… but it actually makes the world more GREEN
Commensal Staphylococci Influence Staphylococcus aureus Skin Colonization and Disease
Omega-3 fatty acids and adipose tissue biology