- There’s a flood of information put out every second, just trying to keep everyday people occupied, confused & misinformed
- Lots of information doesn’t makes us any wiser.
- We need to connect the dots and leave all the junk out.
- Big Tech is pushing English, and the Finnish results are hard to find nowadays
- The European Union laws are so complex people don’t know even how to find them, so they can claim anything
- Used to getting multiple pages of search results, you definitely notice when there’s just 1 or 2 pages found
- Governments and Big Tech are working together and not for the benefit of ordinary people
- The piles of books burning is not different than the situation with censorship today
- Freedom of speech means freedom to write, read, speak, sing
- This has all seen before, piles of books have been burnt throughout history, we are living in the middle of this again – are you willing to accept this?

I bet some people know more about the US elections than the upcoming Finnish Parliament elections! We’ve had constant newsfeed about the situation for decades.
Correction: people think they know the facts after following newsfeeds.
There’s a flood of information put out every second, just aiming to keep everyday people occupied, confused & misinformed. While the elites are doing what they want: grabbing Power Profit Control.
Lots of information doesn’t makes us any wiser. We need to connect the dots and leave all the junk out.
Funny and infuriating results
It is surprising the search engine seems to be censoring the words, or is it just because Massachusetts is mentioned, and dr. Shiva is running for Senate there:
Searching for information using the Finnish words “USA senate elections Massachusetts” gives
1. “No good results”
2. the results of “Recently died.”
3. “The Historic Bibliography of Finland 1961-1970”
4. Suggestions of “Dead 2022, An actor died, dead Finnish celebrities” etc.

Another problem is when using “Search only the pages in Finnish language” you still get English pages, which are very bad translations. No machine is able to translate Finnish properly yet.
The “All languages” is the norm for search, yet you can’t get any other language than English! No Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish. It’s
1. the results from English-speaking countries, or
2. results that are poorly translated in Finnish & still from English-speaking countries.
Big Tech is pushing English, and the Finnish results are hard to find nowadays.
Search: “dr. Shiva Ayyadurai for senate”, all languages, last week:
A polish travel page, Jet2 – AnonUp, RFK Exposed and something in some Asian language.
At page 3 you get the mandatory coronavirus situation even if you don’t want to!
After that the results start to include selling your gold jewelry and showing other random pages.
”Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai for senate” results in 8 videos dr. Shiva has published, then the results continue with questionable polish sites and earth newspaper news, totally unrelated!
“We try to show only the most relevant search results, so we have removed some results that are already shown (19). If you wish, you can do the search again and include the omitted search results.
Some of the findings may have been deleted under European data protection law. Details”
The European Union laws are so complex people don’t know even how to find them, so they can claim anything here.

Used to getting multiple pages of search results, you definitely notice when there’s just 1 or 2 pages found.

Using work computer / IP gives much better results, which is odd as Google search is used there too.
There are so many things that come to mind, and you’d like to check.
Like the “Navier-Stokes equation + climate change”. The search engine stick to the word “climate change” and starts pushing propaganda.

“The length of the day” search in Finnish gave Coronavirus-info, the an article about the lengthening of the day, then a gold buying / selling page.
Big Tech companies have got too much power over everyday people. Governments and Big Tech are working together and not for the benefit of ordinary people!
If you’re not yet familiar of the most important lawsuit in 2020 concerning the Freedom of Speech, study dr. Shivas’ updating page Winbackfreedom.com starting from 2020, and think – are you willing to leave this World as it is, and worsening – or do you want to do something about this.
The piles of books burning is not different than the situation with censorship today.
Freedom of speech means freedom to write, read, speak, sing.
Freedom to read something that has been written voluntarily, truthful, or fictional, study or relax, that is our basic human right! Speaking about what we’ve read or spoken or heard is our right too.
The elites want to take this away from us and twist their agendas in. They’re trying to hide our history, science, truth, art, information, and opinions.
This has all seen before, piles of books have been burnt throughout history, we are living in the middle of this again.
Join Bottoms Up Movement Truth Freedom Health – get educated or be enslaved! TruthFreedomHealth.com