- The Foster Gallery rotates the works of local artists four times a year.
- 40+ Artists are featured in this “Spring” quarter show.
- Various artistic styles are displayed throughout this gallery/workshop art studio.
- CAA Member and Spring Rotation Artist Kathy Schumacher performed live onsite painting displaying her signature palette knife style!
- Art enthusiasts came out in numbers, showing their support for these artists!

The selected featured artists: Wanda Azzario-Goldberg, Gisselle Barnhart, Jessica Batson, Dorothea Berkhout, Stephanie Bloyd, Melody Bogle, Kathleen Broaderick, Patricia Bufkin, Lucinda Bunn, Gayle Campbell, Donnelle Clark, Skip Deems, Kim Eifrid, Elena Filshtinska, Jenny Guerra & Jessica Batson, Wes Hinds, Pamela Hutton, Capri Boyle Jones, Hattie Kennedy, Linda Kernick, Sue Knight, Betsy Latham, Sharon Long, Susan Lucas, Robyn Martins, Mindy McClendon, Theresia McInnis, Linda Kaye Moriarty, Merry Beth Myrick, Ed Nickerson, Marian Pacsuta Norris, Patti Overholt, Courtney Panzer, William Polley, Bailey Rathmann, Mary Redmann, Melissa Rovner, Kathy Schumacher, Kristine Senft, Pam Singh, Barbara Suhadolnick, The Salty Sparrow, Laura Tuvyana and Karen Williams.

Art enthusiasts came out in numbers, showing their support for these artists!