- There are natural methods for curing Diabetes.
- Lifetime medications for Diabetes suppress blood sugar levels but do not eliminate the underlying causes.
- Diabetes is a symptom one can be free of by systematically identifying and eliminating the underlying causes.
- Quantitative methods help identify the type of Diabetes, its severity, and underlying causes.

I was first diagnosed with Diabetes in 2008 at the age of 47. I consulted three doctors in the first six months and took allopathic medicines to lower my blood sugar.
Then I asked the doctor when will the medications reduce and when can I expect to be back to normal and off all medication.
He replied that the drugs would be for a lifetime, and the chances are that I might have to start taking insulin injections after 5 to 6 years.
That was the last straw and a turning point where I refused to accept this future. Instead, I started my venture to discover my way out of the impasse.
It took me one year to cure myself of Diabetes entirely, and I have been off all medications since then.
The curing process entailed research, measurements, analysis, diet changes, lifestyle changes, detoxification, decongesting the internal organs, and sheer willpower and grit.
I used to do the entire gamut of blood tests monthly and compare each month’s values with the previous month’s.
These measurements guided me in determining what changes were impactful and the progress I was making in my experiments on myself.
In hindsight, I have gained insight into the quantitative dimensions of interpreting Diabetes, its underlying causes, and how one can uproot them.
One can not control what one does not measure and interpret.
The first step is to determine the type of Diabetes and its severity accurately and quantitatively. This step is followed by systematically identifying and eliminating the underlying causes.
Diabetes is a symptom and not a disease. Therefore, one must target its underlying causes to be free of the symptom.