The Soul as an Intelligent System

Model – Gloria Lucy by Michael John Griffiths


It is easy to point out all the ills of the world but a different matter to find and offer solutions.

Free Choice is the way of Soul.

But because of the stranglehold of generational indoctrination, free choice is often required to be presented by another.

The natural way of soul, is that each individual is the controller of their own evolvement- Free to make their own decisions and also face the consequences of those decisions both “Good” and “Bad”, “Right” or “Wrong”. But all goes into a way learning if viewed with the correct intention.

The “Evolution” I write of, should not be confused with Darwinism, for that is a deeply flawed and dangerous theory.

A theory that underpinned the perverse Pseudo Science of the Eugenics Movement. A movement which still exists today in rebranded forms. It is the perverse idea that some are more worthy of life than others.

That the self appointed elites are the judge and jury over all others “worthiness” of life.

In Soul, gentleness is caring for gentleness is true strength, It has no need to force it’s way over others. It does not stand aloft and preach down, unlike those who consider others below them. It recognises that all people share the same Soul and are of equal worth. That Inspiration is not for a just a select few, but is available to all, via their own thoughts, their own link to the Higher Intelligence of their own Soul.

Caring understands that people have been indoctrinated to accept what their “betters” have imposed on them. Caring offers Free Choice, the alternative to Power Profit and Control i.e. Truth Freedom Health.. Caring, gently but firmly nudges others to awaken to who they truly are, rather than the labels, the shackles the Elites place upon them.

Caring is impartial, it does not judge but states things as they truly are and offers solutions.

Once a point is put across, if another only wishes to argue, with the intent of putting themselves in the “right”, rather than discuss a new idea, then it is best to step back. Discussion is to listen to and allow each to make their point, and to consider the other’s viewpoint.

Points should be presented impartially. If another reacts because they do not like what you say, because it challenges their pre-set mind set, then step back and calmly walk away.

If another is prepared to discuss honestly with an open mind, then all the better as both can learn from the situation.

This is not to say that sometimes things should not be put in a strong way. Strength and confidence may be called aggression and anger by others, but it is they not you, who have allowed themselves to be affected.

Caring vs Kindness


1. A friend or neighbour, with a miserable disposition, who is always complaining about one thing or another, complains to you how lonely they are. How no one ever visits them. It would be “kind” to express how sorry you feel for them. But feeling sorry never solves problems.

2. It would Caring to suggest, that their constant complaining and miserable attitude puts people off from visiting them, and if they changed their attitude/intention to life, things would improve and they could be a much happier person.

In the first instance, being kind may alleviate their present predicament short term, but fail to resolve their problem. Was the intention simply to please them and appear a to be a nice “empathetic” person.

In the second instance, you would have offered Free Choice, by giving them points to look at, in order to resolve their problem for themselves. Your intention would have been Caring. Even though they may not like you for it, or even bear resentment towards you, by thinking or calling you unfeeling.


Change is inevitable, when a point is reached where to continue with an archaic system of abuse, by the few over the many, reaches a point of obsolescence. That time has arrived. The Truth Freedom Health Movement is rising up all around the world. Time now to face down those whos only concern is Power, Profit and Control, whilst they disregard those they harm.


They, the abusers shall also be given Free Choice, to change their destructive ways and arise to be who they could truly be and win back the respect of people. By beginning to truly care for all people, rather than spewing forth their hollow and venomous rhetoric, as they do presently. A final chance for all to change their ways and begin to care, or to stay as they are, and suffer the consequences of that choice, For all must eventually face and answer to their Soul-

So why not begin Now to listen to your own Higher Intelligence, your finer feelings. Forget the noisy, dazzling distractions of a world gone awry. Your greatest companion who knows you inside out, one who would never do you harm but only wants what is best for you. That one, your own soul awaits you. All you have to do is quiet your mind and listen.

Together- We can do this, because nothing is impossible to Soul. Soul always finds a way for those willing to trust it. As Dr Shiva says, we can bring Heaven to Earth- We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

To be continued. . .

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