Order out of Chaos
Many “Creation” myths, when deciphered, beyond their archaic context and without viewing them literally but by viewing them intuitively. Speak of order emerging from chaos, in the form of a Conscious Higher Intelligence.
Some today call this Higher Intelligence “God”. Though in Egyptian mythology their various “gods and goddesses” were not as Westerners thought of “God”. As such they branded the Ancient Egyptians as strange Pagans, who worshipped many animal and bird headed gods and goddesses. In reality these “deities” were symbolic and represented the natural elements, and also universal laws pertaining to the Human Condition, and that of the Soul. There being one original creator/source.
There are Creation story’s of “Atum” the Creator, calming the chaotic waters of the void- with his voice.
The Christian Creation Story, speaks of “In the beginning there was The Word and the Word was with God”.
I propose that “The Word”= Sound. The First Sound arising from movement, the sound of friction caused by the Transport of energy through matter. The Input,of a Higher Intelligence, the Controller. All movement creates sound whether audible or not.
Dante 1300s,when writing “Paradise” draws ever nearer to “God”. Ascending various realms of learning, guided by his love Beatrice. Finding himself beyond the planets and stars. The radiance of the “Primum Mobile” (First Movement) comes into view. That from which all the Universe follows. Fanciful perhaps, but again the story speaks of a first movement and as such of sound, The Word. After all whether audible or not words are sounds. Words are thoughts.
Chaos is substance, for all is substance of one form or another. Whether it be termed as Matter or Anti Matter, detectable or undetectable, it is still made of something, it is made of substance. Chaos is substance yet to be given a way of intelligence, pattern, a way of purpose, a way of order.
Ancient Egyptian Philosophy speaks of this Universe not being complete until Humanity plays it’s part. That we are co-creators with a part to play.
We are said to be made in our Creators image. Every individual containing a “divine spark”, a sufficient amount of the very essence of their Creator. By using Free Choice towards one’s purpose, Goal. Each can evolve to a greater and greater understanding of the Vast Intelligence, that is the Soul of this Universe.
A higher intelligence permeates this Universe. You are linked to this Higher Intelligence via your own thoughts, finer feelings. You are not a slave nor a “miserable sinner” – You are something greater, you belong to something far greater- Something I call Soul.